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Cole's P.o.v

I was tired, covered in dirt, and my body was about ready to give out, but that didn't mean that I was.

My mate was out there somewhere and even if I will never find him I will still keep looking.

In the matter of a few days Kyle has already taken my heart, with his adorable personality, gorgeous face, and ya know, him being my mate and all.

Suddenly I felt like my heart was being stabbed a hundred times over and over again relentlessly.

My mate was being touched.

The thought of Kyle being touched by anyone other than myself angered me.

I forced myself to run faster, until I was able to hear my paw slamming into the ground making an harsh imprint.

Tears brimmed my eyes, either because my mate didn't like being touched and he was crying or the wind was too much to take for my unblinking eyes.

I think it was both.

As my thoughts were racing like bees in my head I heard an angry howl, echoing into the night.

In an instant I stopped and stared at the night sky, I hadn't realized that I had been running and searching for my mate that long.

Then I heard the same howl again, this time angrier then before.

It sounded like a wolf just saw his mate being touched. I felt sorry for that werewolf, seeing your mate being touched by another is the worst feeling in the world, not that I know from experience but knowing it was happening to mine was bad enough.

Imagine seeing it happen.

My paws padded against the ground in a slow trot, although I was telling my body to go faster it simply couldn't anymore.

I was furious and violently forced my wolf to wake up and talk to me, by shoving the mind link open.

What the fuck Jake?!

Ugh, what do you what Cole?

Well as your busy sleeping your ass off, our mate is out there kidnapped and being TOUCHED BY SOMEONE ELSE!


Oh wow, so now you notice, what the fuck is wrong with you!

I don't know! One second we were snuggling with our mate and then the next thing I know I feel wolfsbane enter my body so I forced myself to fall asleep so I wouldn't get violently tortured!

Oh great! So you just fell asleep when our mate was getting kidnapped?!

I know! I know...

We are terrible mates!

Yeah, yeah we are horrible mates...

Jake for fuck sake don't fail us again ok! Lend me some of your power because my body couldn't take my constant running anymore.

But Cole you know what happens if I lend me all of my power, we might die.

Is that all you fucking care about?! OUR MATE IS BEING HARASSED!


I shut up after that, Jake was right, although I hate the thought of my mate being harassed and tortured, the thought of him going through that his whole life hurt more.

I angrily shut off the mind link, and slightly jogged towards the faint scent of my mate: vanilla and the forest, in an oddly delightful mix and smell.

I sighed as I stopped and stared up at the dark blue sky, the stars reminding me of my mates' eyes, bright and beautiful.

Although in an second the moment of reminiscing was over, as I felt claws attack my stomach.

I snapped my neck towards the attacker, a buff brown wolf with crazy eyes and a feral scent, a wolf that lost its mate.

A rogue.

I lunged at him, my body colliding with his as I unleashed my claws slicing up his body in sudden anger.

However, my body didn't meet with the speed of my mind, fatigue taking over as I narrowly missed his body by a fraction.

The moment of frustration stopped as the wolf attacked me again, it's body narrowly missing me as I jumped to the side just in time.

Anger and frustration from not finding my mate took over, as I retracted my claws and sliced open his neck, his blood bursting out and landing on my fur and face.

I gave him one final strike of a claw as I ripped his eyes open, so even if he miraculously still lived his vision is gone and will likely be killed off by either another rogue or because of him attacking another wolf.

His body went limp as his neck kept pouring out more and more of his sparkling red blood, and although it's unlikely that a vampire might suck the blood of a wolf, especially a rogue one, it's better to walk away from the body instead of stay here.

I swiftly walked away, feeling a sudden pain in my stomach, making me glance down.

I gulped.

Not good. I had a small gash on my stomach, I'm guessing it was from the wolf when he tried to pounce on me, must've had his claws out.

Usually I wouldn't worry about this but it was oozing out a lot of blood, stupid mutt sliced pretty deep.

This will impend my search for Kyle, I can't search for him if I have a deep gash on my stomach.

I loudly growled in frustration, scaring off a nearby female deer as her young ran off with her.

Suddenly I heard a squeak, and a pink haired girl came out from behind the tree carrying a crowbar, how odd.

I smelled the air. Human.

What was a human girl doing in the woods?

Apparently I was too deep in thought to notice her slowly creep towards me, lifting the crowbar higher and higher.

It was too late before I noticed the blood on her crowbar, it was too late to notice the scent of my mates' blood on it, and it was too late to run back as I lost her scent from running away, scared that she would hit my already bleeding stomach with her crowbar.

I howled as I let out the frustration and hatred towards my self, my howl sounding louder then intended and scarier than I thought.

Well at least you know what the fucking bitch looks like, not that you needed too, but know you have something to dream about tonight.

Jake, my wolf, said suddenly and I replied with an evil smirk set on my face.

Yes you're right, I can finally have something to dream about now that can make me slightly more happy. Her head covered with blood and cut open from her stupid crowbar that I will hold in my hands as I save my beloved mate, letting him take a hit or two at her dead corpse.

I was gonna say that's insanely over the top, but nope, you're completely right, she deserves every bit of it.

I shut our mind link off as I let out one more howl towards the moon, one filled with revenge and hatred.

Thank you guys so much for letting me hit 1k votes! That's insane, 1,000 votes?! Can't believe that people love this story so much. So, as a special, I tried to make this chapter extra long, hope you enjoyed it! Ciao!~

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