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Kyle's P.o.v

I could feel my legs burning as I sprinted out of the apartment complex.

I should stop or else I'm gonna burn my legs off. No, I can't, not after what my traitorous brother did!

I knocked all of the pain in my legs to the back of my mind, only anger present now and growing by the second.

"Kyle! Kyle! Kyle, please just wait!"

His screaming fueled my anger even more, Master obviously didn't tell me because he was afraid of this, so why don't I give him what he expected, huh.

I could see my pastel blue house in the distance, I picked up my speed despite my legs and heart protests.

"Kyle, stop this instant!"

I slowed down hesitating slightly, I mean I didn't want to get punished after all.

Who cares if you get punished, you would have probably beaten your brother to the brink of death by then, and that's all you want.

Yes, yes, punishment is worth my brother suffering from my wrath.

Derek's P.o.v

I was chasing after Kyle, practically panting my head off.

Damn, my baby's fast as fuck.

A sudden laugh erupted form Kyle's chest, he almost seemed, happy.

Why would he be happy? Why is he even laughing? Who laughs while running, I mean everyone hates running, no one should be happy while doing it.

"Kyle, please stop!"

I shouted in protest, but to no avail, Kyle just kept running he didn't even seem to be tired or slow down at all.

I saw that we where almost 25 ft. away from his house.

Shit, I need to act fast or else the scene that will unfold won't be pretty.

20 ft.

C'mon stupid legs you were in track, just a little further and you could make it!

Just a little further and I can grab Kyle's arm, and stop him before he ruins everything!

15 ft.

"You'll never catch me, Master."

Kyle taunted me, even though he knows that I could catch him.

10 ft.

It was at this point that my heart was banging against my chest in painful thumps, it felt as if it would jump out of my chest by then.

5 ft.

My sight began to blur, the edges of my peripheral turning black, and my heart, which I couldn't hear anymore, I could still feel very clearly.

Just a little more. Just a little more. Just. A. Little. More.

0 ft.

Kyle opened the door and swiftly sprung in, in a last attempt to stop him I jumped.

I jumped a little to slow, unsurprisingly, and I crashed face first to the door.

All I can say is that it hurt like a bitch!

I held my face in agony, Kyle stunned and Matthew, who can now see us, had wide eyes staring at me in shock.

I let out a little sob, before regaining control and holding back my sobs and tears.

Kyle snapped out of his stupor before sprinting towards me his voice and face filled with concern.

"Derek, are you okay?"

"Who cares if he's okay, I mean he is just a lying bastard after all, and lying bastards don't deserve to be okay and cared about."

Matthew spat out, his eyes glaring at me full of hate, regret, and a hint of guilt.

He opened his mouth to say something more but Kyle quickly interrupted him.

"Says the one who can't keep his dick in his pants."

Kyle glared right back, but Matthew was too shocked to continue glaring.

"Aw, what's wrong? Did you think that no one knew of your little secret? Huh, did you, Matt?"

I glanced between the two brothers in worry, Matthew still staring in shock and Kyle's face gone red from anger.

Well, this isn't gonna need well.

Bam! I updated! Also, don't forget to vote if you like this chapter! Ciao!~

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