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Matthew's P.o.v

I stared at the stars from my window, that looked like it was holding the moon in its hands made of glass.

Each bright twinkling star looked as if they would collapse without the moon peering down at them with a beautiful smile.

The stars seemed as if the moon was their world, their entire universe.

I wish I had someone I loved to hug, to kiss, to lay next to before falling into soundless sleep. Derek was that for me, at least he used to be.

Derek was everything to me, but if only he hadn't cheated on me. If only he ju--

A knock on my door broke me out of my thoughts, to which I just ignored.

Yet, once again the another knock sounded, making me huff in annoyance before I sat up and sluggishly trotted towards the door.

I opened my mouth to ask what they wanted before I was suddenly kissed.

My eyes widened as I realized Derek kissed me, and even though I missed those soft yet rough lips, even though I missed the comfort they brought me, I angrily shoved Derek away.

And before he could explain himself I lifted my hand before throwing it and slapping his cheek with a loud sound that followed.

He stood still, shocked and mouth agape from surprise. Not even thinking twice I opened my mouth and spit out the following words in frustration and anger.

"What the fuck Derek?! Why did you do that, did you think I was just about to kiss you back and be all lovey dovey?!"

Derek's mouth opened to reply with a response but I quickly cut him off before he could start.

"Did you think j would love you again?! Well guess what Derek?! I don't love you nor will I ever! I hate you!"

Derek's shocked and hurt expression instilled on my mind, before I shut the door in his face.

I sighed in exasperation, before I got an idea and stared at my second window that was tempting me.

I was gonna search for Kyle myself, I don't need Derek's help, nor will I ever.

I swiftly stood up and determinedly walked towards my window, opening the window I quickly jumped out. It's a good thing that there was an old mattress underneath me, I didn't wanna die before I found my brother.

Cole's P.o.v

I nervously stood in my werewolf form, my blood red eyes staring at my mate in diminished annoyance as I now looked at him with nervousness.

I could feel my wolf whisper in my mind, telling me that my mate was gonna accept us and that everything will be just fine, but I don't think either of us believed it.

Kyle stood up a blank expression set on his gorgeous face, as he sat up and walked towards us.

My wolf and I were scared he was reaching for the door so he could leave and never come back.

Instead Kyle bent down to us and softly scratched the back of our ear, to which my tail began to wag side to side and my wolf started to purr in content.

When Kyle stopped I blushed in embarrassment, for God sakes I was a strong, tough wolf, not a measly wee pup.
Although, I was glad that Kyle couldn't see my embarrassment.

I walked towards him rubbing my body all over his in a way of saying that I was happy that he didn't leave me or reject me in fear and disgust.

Kyle hugged me and I smirked as it was the perfect moment to switch back, ya know with my naked glory and all.

My bones cracked and bent back to my human form as I hugged Kyle in my arms pressing his body against mine, making sure he could feel my bare member.

Kyle squeaked cutely before he let me go, letting me see his cheeks that were glowing a bright red from embarrassment.

My smirk widened as I stalked towards Kyle like he was my prey to eat, well I was gonna eat him, but not in the way you think.

Kyle backed away with fear in his eyes, which I just assumed was fake, before he fell in my bed his body bouncing before he laid out his limbs sprawled across the bed.

I playfully licked my lips before I crawled on the bed, pinning Kyle's arms and body beneath me as I pretended to reach for his pants.

"PLEASE STOP I'M NOT READY COLE!" Kyle suddenly belted at the top of his lungs.

It was then when I finally noticed Kyle's hard breathing and could hear his erratically beating heart, and I stared in shock as I followed a bead of sweat sliding down his face from Kyle's forehead.

I quickly backed away as I realized that I scared my mate, and forcefully shoved my clothes back on, still staring at Kyle's face in horror.

I suddenly got on my knees as my wolf told me to and repetitively apologized to Kyle, my eyes not looking at his in fear that I would see the fear still in his eyes.

Yet all I felt was small arms slowly wrap around my body, to which I leaned into the warmth and coziness of my mate hugging me.

"I'm sorry Kyle I was just playing around I didn't mean to scare you...I would never make you do something you didn't want to do." I said, my voice barely above a whisper.

Kyle let go of me and I was afraid he would leave, I didn't want Kyle to leave me.

But instead I felt Kyle's soft, warm and inviting lips against my own, and I began to purr in happiness.

Unfortunately Kyle had to stop as our lungs begged for air, and he rested his forehead against mine sighing in content.

"Cole, I have a question?"

I leaned our foreheads away and smiled, "Ask away love."

"Why did you kidnap me?"

My heart banged in guilt as I remembered what I had done to my precious mate, my precious Kyle.

"I-I just wanted for you to be mine, I t-thought you would re-reject me if you had come to realize how ugly and worthless I am." I said stuttering, feeling a couple of wet tears trail down my cheeks.

Kyle kissed me again, even harder and I pressed my tongue against his bottom lip, which he accepted moaning making me growl.

After kissing for a few more seconds I let go, panting from the hot kisses we shared, before Kyle leaned his body against mine shutting his eyes suddenly falling asleep.

I picked Kyle up softly setting him on my bed. I laid next to Kyle spooning him and sighing in content as he snuggled up against me, I waited 'till he fell asleep before I did, and I was happy that he wasn't uncomfortable enough to not be able to fall asleep with me.

That night was one of few were I had a full nights of rest not worrying about when I would found my mate, 'cause I found him, and I wouldn't let anything take him away.

That night as also the night I didn't feel the syringe prod and enter my skin as the wolfsbane entered my system, rendering me useless as I couldn't move my body from the pain and I watched in agony as my mate was taken away. Slipping out of my grasp. I howled in anger and hate, I was gonna find that man/woman and tear them apart for taking my mate!

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