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Unknown's P.o.v

I silently watched my white haired beauty converse with his "Master".

As he calls him.

I was seething, how dare that tall bearded man even glance at what's mine!

Who does he think he is? Sure, my prince may not know that he's mine, but that's still is NO excuse to talk to other men; especially not call them Master!

I combed my hands through my naturally light gray hair in frustration.

As I continued to watch my prince and his "Master", more like glare, I tried to think of a plan that involved my prince to stop talking to that tall bearded man but that also didn't involve me showing my identity.

"Excuse me, sir, may you please move?" A small, soft voice coming from my left asked.

I suddenly felt a warm feeling in my chest, like I was just wrapped up in a blanket that had just gotten pulled out of a dryer, develop me.

I turned to look at the voice and faced a adorably chubby face with big, seemingly soft pouty lips and velvet looking pastel pink hair.

I turned to look at the voice and faced a adorably chubby face with big, seemingly soft pouty lips and velvet looking pastel pink hair

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(A/n: Closest thing that I could find that slightly fits my description.)

I was awed, "Sir, can you please move.", I snapped out of my stupor and looked down at the adorable stranger's big brown, puppy dog eyes.

"Oh, uh, yeah sorry."

"It's alright." The stranger said beaming at me with an infectious smile before quickly walking into the store's door that I was previously blocking.

Wow he sure was beautiful, and adorable.

Oh well, my prince might not be prettier but he's always had my heart.

On that thought, I glanced around only to witness my prince holding hands with his Master.

Yet, for some unknown reason, I felt nothing. No anger, sadness, hurt, or pain.

All I actually wanted to do was chase after that chubby faced, big brown doe eyed boy with pastel pink hair.

In fact, why don't I do just that.

I walked into the store that had 'Victoria Secret' in big black bold letters on their sign.

I didn't care that I looked out of place, I just wanted to find my prince, no he's better my king.

10 mins. later

Where is he?!

I've searched everywhere but with no avail; and the odd stares are staring to bug me.

I sighed and looked down to my shoes sadly, slowly walking towards the exit.

What's this?

I thought as I picked up a beautifully crafted black card with cursive gold letters; which amazingly looks handwritten.

I thought as I picked up a beautifully crafted black card with cursive gold letters; which amazingly looks handwritten

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(A/n: Just wanted to show you what I mean, it doesn't actually say this on the card.)

I examined it carefully noticing in the back with silver coloring and cursive font was someone's name.

Dillion Dioptase Green

"Oh, excuse me, that's mine."

A familiar pleasant, soft voice had come from right in front of me.

"Oh I'm so–"

I stopped as I stared at my infamous heart-stopper.

His velvet pastel pink hair was slightly covering his left eye, which looked like big swirls of chocolate that I could just stare at and adore forever. His chubby, rosy red cheeks were a sight to see, especially with his plump, soft pouty red lips.

I let my eyes glide down his body, even with his big baggy black sweater I could see his curves clear as day, as well as his shapely legs.

All in all, he was a sight to behold, there was no way that he doesn't have a boyfriend/girlfriend.

I was snapped out of my stupor, literally.

"S'cuse me, may I please have my card?"

He said his face creasing up from held in frustration and impatience.

"Right, I'm sorry Dillion, here you go love."

I tried to make my voice come out as smooth and husky as possible, I'm guessing it worked because his cheeks were heating up, going from rosy red to dark blood red.

Or maybe it's because I called him love? Oh well, I'm just happy I made him blush ^•^!

"Um, how do you know my name?"

I gave him a funny look, "It's on your card."

This time instead of only his cheeks turning a darker shade of red, the tips of his ears also started to turn rosy red.

"Oh, right, well thanks ciao!"

He once again turned on his infectious smile and turned around gracefully walking away.

Sorry about the massive break guys! I still had a lot of writers block, and I decided enough was enough; thus this crappy out of nowhere chapter was made. Also, this is just a side character chapter just until I figure out what to do with Kyle and Derek. :3

Call Me, Master (Bdsm) (BxB) (Discontinued) Where stories live. Discover now