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Matthew's P.o.v

I stared at my brother in shock, Kyle, the person who I expected to be fully on my side, was yelling at me in exasperation and anger.

Why was he angry at me? Doesn't he see that it's clearly Derek's fault? I mean he was the one that cheated on us, yet why is he yelling at me?!

"What are you on about Kyle?! How is this my fucking fault?" I screamed at him, my face turning beet red.

"How is this your fault? How the fuck is this your fault?! For fuck sakes Matthew, you're  the one that kissed Derek!" He didn't hesitate to scream right back at me his face the same color as mine; we always had that in common how our faces would turn very red when we were angry or upset.

"Kissed! Kissed?! No shit Sherlock, I was in a fucking relationship with him, of course we kissed!"

"Fuck off Watson! I don't even believe your bullshit for a fucking moment!"

We continued arguing for what seemed like hours until we were rudely interrupted by the asshole named Derek.

"Guys, guys, can we just calm down? Listen, Matt, just apologize to Kyle and we'll be on our way, alright?" Derek said slowly, talking to us as if we were 4 year olds.

"Oh, you want me to apologize, DerBear? Well, too fucking bad!~"

Anger was boiling inside me as I felt my heart start to beat dizzyingly fast.

"Matt, just calm down and apologize, once you do we'll leave. How does that sound, love?"

All the anger and hate I had kept bottled up inside was suddenly released, like a dam being broken and the water rushing through.

"Don't you dare call me love, DerBear. Because I swear to God I will slit your throat, Master.~" I spat these words like they were poison, surprising Derek as well as myself.

There was another word that surprised me too, Master. I remember how me and Derek used to play that little game called, as said by Derek himself, "You'll be my sub and I'll be your Master, don't worry about anything it's just a fun little game."

Game is what he would call it, me being chased around by him holding handcuffs saying "Come on sub, you better play with me or you'll get punishment."

Just a game.

"Matthew watch out!" Derek screamed at me, snapping me out of my flashback, only to be met with a jaw breaking, punch to the face.

I know, I know, it's short. But I hoped you guys enjoyed this chapter, ciao!~

Call Me, Master (Bdsm) (BxB) (Discontinued) Where stories live. Discover now