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I stepped onto the familiar dirty concrete path, confidence flowing through me.

As I was trotting along the widespread path I saw, Mrs. Tlupi my neighbor, playing with her daughter, laughing while chasing after her.

Well chasing a little girl as much a pregnant woman could.

A smile graced my lips at the beautiful scene.

I spotted what looked like the club Insanity. It was beautifully embellished with vibrant colors, and Bdsm was spray painted on the front of the club.

There were names under each letter. For example, if you do Bondage and Discipline, you spray paint your name on.

It also looked like the Dominants and Submissive' put there Dom/Sub next to their name.

It was beautifully exquisite, to say the least.

I came out of my stupor, and stopped admiring the art displayed on the club.

Instead, I took a deep breath and locked on to my confidence, before I slowly walked up to the doors and opened them, curiously peeking inside.

"Hey there cutie, come on in, don't be scared." A sultry voice came from in front of me.

I swiftly straightened myself out, and glanced up, no respect registered in my mind; even if there was a 50% chance this guy was a dominant.

The guy had brown hair and a pair of dark ocean blue eyes.

"What's your name, pet." He purred out, seductively rubbing his body against me holding my arm in a loose grip.

"Um sorry but I-I," I nervously paused before I can up with a quick lie, "I have a dominant."

His grip on my arm tightened almost cutting off my blood circulation, "Really and where is this, dominant."

He seemed to dislike people lying to him as he was a natural dominant.

"Right here." A deep, enticing, mellifluous voice boomed from behind us.

I peeked behind the dominant and glanced towards the mellifluous voice.

I could feel my cheeks reddening and melting as I glanced at the scrumptious dominant.

He had hair, as dark as the night, and eyes a dazzling dull emerald green with specks of blue and hazel.

He walked towards us and I squeaked as I hid behind the other dominant.

"Hello it's nice to meet you and all, but would you mind letting go of my pet." He spat out gritting his teeth, but somehow still keeping a platonic smile on his face.

They glared at each other, exchanging words through eye contact, before the dominant that was rubbing himself all over me walked out of the club.

"You're welcome pet." He seductively said winking at me.

"Thanks for saving me, but this was obviously a mistake." I emotionlessly said before frantically trying to open the door, ready to hall my ass out of here.

Like a whip he reached out for me, "Wait, don't go!", I stared at him blankly.

"And why shouldn't I?" I questioned, even though I knew should've just forced my arm out of his grasp and left without a word.

"Because, I-I, I want you to become my submissive!" He blurted out tightly closing his eyes.

My eyes widened to the size of saucers, "You're kidding, right.", I have been searching for a Dom this entire time and suddenly a random, hot, dude suddenly just offers me to be his Sub.

He takes a deep breath before forcing his eyes open staring at me with newly found confidence.

"No, I'm not kidding, I want you to be my Sub."

"Oh," I, unsure of my answer, paused before taking a deep breath, "I accept."

"Oh, and the names Derek."

I saw a ginormous, rather flattering, grin spread on Derek's face.

He seemed to be happy about my response.

"Ok, first things first, move in with me!"



Call Me, Master (Bdsm) (BxB) (Discontinued) Where stories live. Discover now