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Derek's P.o.v

My heart beat in an unsteady rhythm, my throat felt like it was clawing itself out, and my spine ached in the utmost unpleasant way.

Who knows how many hours I've been here, with my back against Matthew's door. I've stopped counting...and caring.

My lips still tingled in a way that brought a warm feeling in my heart, only to be squashed down by regret and recent rejection.

I unnecessarily wiped my cheeks in a hasty manner, trying to get rid of my already dried tear streaks.

Sighing I stood up, hesitantly facing the wooden door, and raising an awkwardly shaking fist, before carefully knocking.


Taking a big gulp of air I let my voice, which I had already seemed to have forgotten what it sounded like, dance in the air.


I flinched at the sound of my voice, which had slightly wavered even though I had tried to muster up all my confidence and let it dance in my voice, obviously, to no avail.

Once again, no sound or reply to reassure my now rising concern was heard. Nothing.

A deep frown settled on my face, and out of pure curiosity and worry I chucked the door open in one swift turn of the knob.

The once occupied room was vacant, although the atmosphere made it seem like no one was ever here, even though the slightly ruffled bed sheets and the sparks in my lips now and then said otherwise.

My frown deepened further, as I wondered where the hell Matthew had disappeared to.

I searched the room, trying to find clues as to where exactly he mysteriously traveled off to.

Maybe he left you, I mean I sure wouldn't be surprised if he did. Assholes like you don't deserve anything, other than punishment that is.

My thoughts were deafening, I couldn't properly think, I mean even if they were right Matt's gone!

The man I have loved for years is gone, and I didn't fucking know why.

He probably ran away so he wouldn't have to see your ugly face anymore.

You know he loved personalities...maybe he got tired of yours, after all, who wouldn't?

Why are you even thinking it's about you so much, although he hated that kiss, that doesn't mean he ran way because of you.

The last thought of mine struck a cord in me. Carefully, I tried to conjoin all of the pieces together, like piecing together a puzzle.

Instantly I got my answer, I should've stopped being a self centered bitch from the start, this wasn't about me, this was never about me.

This was about Kyle.


?'s P.o.v

Madly grinning, I stared at the bed full of needles, my recent masterpiece was indeed beautiful.

Kyle had already woken up a while ago, still haven't figured out how he didn't spot me then, but he ended up falling back to sleep, not like he could've done anything else anyway.

My grin widened further as I spotted Kyle's body consistently twitch at the foreign and prickly feeling of the needles, I couldn't wait to feel that body ravish mine, just a little longer.

After all, Kyle's needs to learn that you can't just vomit on and reject someone without any consequences.

My body shivered, God I hate puke, but I withstood it the best I could and even shoved it in a plastic container...to treasure forever.

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