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Disclaimer: Anything offensive I've said in this is completely untrue and is only typed for the affect on the readers, and to make my character seem more like a jerk than he previously seemed, if anyone even saw him as a jerk before.

Derek's P.o.v


How the fuck did I not know that Kyle was Matthew's brother?!

I was pacing back an forth in my apartment that I had recently gotten.

It had black walls and a contrasting white ceiling, the floor was made of wood that was a beautiful shade of pastel pink; I was originally gonna paint it white but decided against it as I wanted Kyle to move in with me, and I know how much he loves pastel colors.

Speaking of Kyle, I was staring down at my phone as I had sent a message to him not too long ago; I got his number from his best friend, Amethyst.

I had sent it before my "beloved" Matthew had called me, and now I'm regretting it; I'm regretting even getting in a relationship with Kyle, I mean I was dating Matthew first but I got bored and decided what would be the harm in dating another person.

(A/n: Except, ya know, breaking a heart after a FUCKING 3 YEAR RELATIONSHIP. I really hate my character right now, I also hate myself for making him into such a fucking dick!)

I mean I didn't realize that Matthew could possibly ever find out, I mean he wasn't really the brightest of people.

I mean for god sakes he has Dyslexia, and Social Anxiety along with Depression! He was already a fucking idiot and then I found out he was also a depressed emo.

(A/n: No, people with dyslexia are not stupid, in fact, they're pretty intelligent. Also, having social anxiety and anxiety does not make you an emo. I'm sorry for all the offensive stuff that I'm typing I'm just trying to make you hate the character even more.)

Ugh, of course I had to date a dumb depressed emo, just my luck.

At least I scored with a hot scrumptious sub, Kyle was amazing I still don't know why I haven't dumped Matthew's ass by now.

Oh right, because I'm a pathetic coward with no sex life; especially since Matthew won't give me some, something about saving it for the right moment, dumb depressed virgin.

(A/n: Jeez, I'm offending myself right now. Anyways, no being a virgin does not make you lame, it's actually good that you decided to save something that you could lost after a drunk night followed with a morning full of regret. No, I'm not speaking in experience. 😂😂😂)

I should probably call Matthew or something, maybe he hasn't seen the message I mean it is on Kyle's phone, which should be nowhere near him and instead in Kyle's room, safely tucked away.

After reassuring myself that Matthew hasn't seen the message, I picked up my phone scrolling through my contacts before landing on Matthew's name and hesitantly clicked it.


"Hi I'm Kyle!~ And if I don't answer than I'm either eating chocolate like the fatass I am, OR I'm hanging out with my beautiful and sweet boyfriend Derek! Bye!~ *multiple cute giggles*"

Hm, that's unusual, people more than often answer my call immediately; obviously since I'm fucking gorgeous and handsome as shit they would want, no, need to talk to me.~

"Strange, Matthew usually picks up my calls, I wonder what happened." I voiced out, for no apparent reason since I was the only one here.

"Why are you calling my brother, Master?"

I stiffened, before quickly pulling myself out of my stupor and turning my head towards the all-too-familiar voice.

"Kyle? Why are you here?" I asked dodging the question in hopes that he would just forget.

Kyle still looked confused before asking, "Well, you told me earlier your address and to come visit you when I was done with school one day so I did!~", he said with a adorable smile on his face completely forgetting about my call to Matthew, much to my relief.

"Oh, well, that's a nice surprise love. I'm glad you came." I put a fake smile on my face even going as far as inserting a joy filled breathless laugh.

"Ah, ah, ah, don't try to sweet talk me into forgetting about my question. Now, why were you calling my brother?"


"Well, I was just um, making sure you were safe at school." I swiftly lied making my eyes soften a bit as to seem just staring at him made me relieved that he was fine and happy.

"Yeah, but why would you call Matt if he wasn't even at school?"

Fuck! Gotta make up a believable lie again!

"He wasn't there? I didn't even know." I said with seemingly genuine disbelief and unknowing.

"Oh, sorry, just paranoid me coming up with crazy assumptions." He breathlessly laughed his cheeks turning a lovely rosy red color from embarrassment.

"So, anyways love, how was your day?"

"Oh, you know the usual, Amethyst forcing random gay people to kiss each other, Sapphire kissing random people, and Forest chasing after people with fake knives, it w—"

He paused all of a sudden and mirrored my confused face back at me.

"What a sec, how did you know my brothers number, I never gave it to you. In fact, did I ever even tell you I had a brother, yet nonetheless you knew his name and number."

He looked at me as if a puzzle piece was still missing, it seemed as he would never assume that I was cheating on him, in fact he thought I would never even cheat on him.

"Well, uh you see, um..."

Shit, I don't have a lie, I can't even think right now, I need something, anything, COME ON!

"Your brother tried to kiss me!" I suddenly shouted stunning myself at what came out of my mouth, seemed as if it shocked him too.

A pissed off look arose on his face, and I didn't have a chance to even spit out anything else before he ran out of my apartment lightning fast, with the scariest look I've ever seen in a person in my whole life; and that says a lot considering it's me.

Yay, I updated after 15 thousand years! Hope you liked this chapter and if so, don't forget to vote!~

Call Me, Master (Bdsm) (BxB) (Discontinued) Where stories live. Discover now