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Kyle's P.o.v

I felt my body get harshly shoved to the ground as Derek loomed over me casting a glare before going over and carefully checking Matt's body, like a mother seeing their child get injured, and checking where it was.

Guess I'm not good enough, huh?

I felt a lone tear run down my face, drying up as quick as it came.

You knew this would happen anyway, what did you expect, for him to actually stay with your forever?

The voice inside my head let out a laugh, but I could hear it's sobs.

Don't be dumb Kyle, Derek never loved you, you knew this from the beginning, don't you remember?


I was in a fancy, and expensive restaurant with Derek, he had just gone to the bathroom.

I quietly hummed to myself, and glanced around and my eye caught Derek's phone.

Must've left it here, whatever.

I continued glancing around until I heard a familiar ding sound, like someone just got a text message.

My eye immediately went towards Derek's phone, which was lit up from a message; which I was right about.

Don't do it Kyle, I'm sure it's nothing, now just wait until he comes back, and enjoy the rest of the night worry free.

I put my curiosity to the back of my mind, and ignored it for the time being.

Yet, not even 3 seconds later, it dinged again.

Another message, huh? Whatever, just ignore it Kyle.

However, as I was convincing myself not to touch his phone, my hand was slowly slithering towards it; like a snake to its unknowing prey.

Just a peek wouldn't hurt, right? I sighed, and swiftly lifted his phone and, in a quick motion, it was in front of my unbelieving eyes.

"Matthew ❤️": Hey babe, make sure to come over later, my parents aren't home, and my brother's out with his boyfriend. 😘😘😘

"Matthew ❤️": Oh, don't forget the chain too. I'm up for a little game tonight. ~ 😍😘😍

I felt my heart break, once again. The pieces that Derek had fixed and put back, we're loosening, to the brink of falling apart again.

Unbeknownst to me, they held together by that sliver of hope. The string attaching and keeping together all the pieces from falling apart.

Hah, love knows no boundaries, I guess. Even when someone you're supposed to hate, you love, always have and always will.

B-but it's ok, right? I mean people message the wrong person all the time, right?

Yeah, yeah, it wasn't meant for him and he isn't cheating with my brother. Or anyone else for that matter.

Everything will be okay.

"Kyle why do you have my phone?" Derek startled me as he exited from the public restroom.

Panicked, I quickly flicked up my finger on the screen and it went black, before reappearing with my face on it.

I cleared my throat, and with the cutest voice possible I said, "Oh, I was just taking a picture," and with a sheepish grin I scratched my head.

I swiftly put the phone down as soon as he saw that I was in the camera app.

Then I muttered, "But I couldn't really do that, you came back right when I was about to take a picture."

He grimaced for a second before it disappeared just as quickly, and it was replaced with a warm smile, "Love, you know you could just ask me to talk a picture, right?"

I swiftly nodded, "Sorry..." I said in a quiet voice.

"It's alright love, you're too cute for me to be mad at you anyway," he smiled, his honey brown eyes crinkling up.

See? He loves me! I mean that can't be fake, right? He loves me...

Flashback over!

Now, I had tears in my eyes.

Why did I ever deny what was right in front of me? Why did I torture myself for so long?

The voice responded in a quiet voice.

Love makes you do insane things...

I snapped out of my thoughts as I heard a quick slam of the door from Matt running into the house.

I glanced towards Derek, who had a tight smile on, but still had warmth in his eyes, the warmth that appears when you look at someone you love; I mean, I should know, I've always done it but never seen him do it to me.

It was obvious what my decision was, run away or face the horrible reality of losing the one you love, even if I did lose him a long time ago.

I looked around, Derek still not noticing I was there, stuck in his own thoughts; I used to find that cute, now it's just depressing to see someone thinking too deeply about something you don't even know.

I saw a forest, and as quiet as I could, I walked away from Derek.

I stepped away a good distance away until I was sure he couldn't hear me, and then I started to sprint.

How corny, running away from my problems? What am I, heartbroken?

The voice, in a depressing, silent tone, responded quickly.

Yeah, you always have been heartbroken. You just never noticed 'till now.

Updates are the best aren't they? Anyways, make sure to vote if you liked this chapter, and leave a comment about anything you want too; I love seeing comments on my story.

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