Chapter 50

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Madison POV

I grab my cloak and go into Professor McGongall's room, she quietly shuts the door behind us and gives me the glittery green floo powder.

"I trust you to know how this works." she says sharply to me looking at me through half-moon glasses.

"Yes, professor and thank you so much!" I said as I enter the fireplace and throw the floo powder to the ground. I open my eyes and coughed off the glittery floo powder,

"Madison!" my mother said in surprised her eyes puffy and red. I stumble back slightly as I see the scene enfold me, Aurors in every corner of the house looking through our stuff.

"What.. What happened!?" I said looking around.

"Your father.... your father.." my mother said trying to finish the sentence but couldn't

"WHAT HAPPENED TO MY FATHER!!" I yelled tears springing out and a dreaded feeling overwhelming me.

"Your father was murdered." my mother said quietly. I crumple to  the ground, my hands to my mouth. My mother crouches down towards me and pulls me towards her and rocks me.

Sirius POV

"Bloody hell." I murmured as I pushed the newspaper to Prongs. He looks at the with a serious look,

"Man, I loved her dad... he was the best person in the world.. we always had fun when they came over to my house." Prongs said rubbing his tired face.

"You do know what this means." Lily says sitting next to Prongs, who was peeing himself with excitement that she was sitting next to him.

"You-Know-Who is recruiting followers." she said darkly as she glanced at Snivellus. 

"War is brewing." I mumbled as I look at my own family in the Slytherin house, who were secretly talking amongst themselves. I look up to see Madison coming towards, her hair was pulled into a low bun and her face was pale with bruised dark circles. She sits next to me and I immediately put my arms around her waist as she leans her head on my shoulder.

"When did you come home?" I murmured.

"This morning." she said quietly as she snuggled closely to me.  Throughout the day, she was quiet while Prongs, Lily and I attempt to make jokes throughout the day it didn't really work out as we expected it to be......

Two years later.....

"More attacks! Bloody hell." Prongs said as he throws the newspaper next to me. We are in our seventh year in Hogwarts and it seems like war is pressuring us more and more each day. Madison grabs the newspaper and intensely looks at it, she's determined to found out who killed her father each day.

"This is ridiculous! The death eaters are know killing Muggles!" she said throwing the newspaper down in disgust. Lily face becomes extremely pale, James immediately noticed and pulls her towards him,

"Don't worry Lilly-willy, James will protect you!" She gives him a small smile and kisses him on the cheek.

"Guys, lets forget about this war and think about our futures! I mean we are graduating next week!!!!" Lily exclaimed.

"Yeah and after that we will be helping Dumbledore against this bloody war." murmured Prongs. Lily sighs and stands up,

"Come on James, we need to inspect the hallways." I give a small chuckle couldn't believe James became Head Boy, bloody hell all he did in the previous years was hex people and did a thousand pranks. 

"I better go to." Madison said standing up and kissing me on the cheek and leaving me. I watch her leave and feel sad all of a sudden.. gosh I loved her but these days we haven't been the same ever since her father died. I think she's afraid that if we get attached and something happens to us she would get hurt again. Stupid really, but I couldn't do anything. I stand up and leave the hallway only to have an arm hold me back. I turn around to see Prongs,

"Whats wrong?" I asked him. He grabs my arm and pulls me towards an empty hallway where Moony and Wormtail was waiting for us, he began to pace in front of us while wringing his hands.

"Just tell us already!" I demanded frustrated by his pacing. Prongs puts his hand in his cloak and hands me a box. I open the box and look to see a beautiful ring inside it,

"Bloody hell James.. I didn't know you had feeling for me!" I said to him grinning while showing everyone the ring.

"Im going to do it." Prongs said pacing back and forth.

"After graduation... I am going to ask Lily Evans to marry me." he said smiling at me. I smile back at him and replied,

"About bloody time." I said grabbing his shoulders and hugging him, Moony and Wormtail does the same and there the four of us in a deserted hallway hugging each other.

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