Chapter 34

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Madison POV

I look at the mirror in my room, the dress wasn't me. I sigh as I dig through my closet to find another dress. Lily and Alice were in my room as well as they were looking at hairstyles to wear for the party. I search around my closet,

"Maddie!" My mother says as her arms are folded.

"Mom!" I say back. My mother comes in holding a dress,

"I thought you might like this," she says.

"It's beautiful!" I exclaimed. The dress was light blue that puffed out in the middle, sequins on the top.

"Thank you Thank you Thank you!" I say as I hug my mother. She helps me put on the dress and I look at myself in the mirror.

"You look amazing!" Alice says.

"Thanks Al." I say as I spin in my dress.

"You girls better put on your dress." My mom says. I help lily put on a green halter dress, I pull her hair in a slick ponytail and put a little makeup on her. Alice had a flower halter dress and I spiked up her pixie cut. As for me I did an updo and I curled strands of my hair. My mother took tons of pictures of us and we finally left. Kyle and Frank were waiting in the living room while my father was chatting with them, finally we left home in which my father kept reminding Kyle that he was the best in duels. As we enter Sammy mansion, lights flash in different directions, Sammy was greeting people outside.

"Madison," she says, " I was beginning to worry that you weren't coming." She says smiling.

"Don't worry about me! Have you met my boyfriend Kyle." I say sliding my hands around his waist.

"Lewis." I turn around to see Sirius, he was wearing tight black jeans, white tank and his black leather jacket.

"Black." Kyle hiss. Sirius looks at me and I look at him back.

"Well, it looks like my boyfriend knows you," Sammy says as she pushed us inside.

"Enjoy the party!"she says. I look at Kyle,

"What's up with you and Sirius?" I say as I avoid getting hit by people dancing. The yard was lit with lanterns, and music blared in every direction.

"Nothing you should worry about," he says kissing my hand. I smile at him. We danced together and it was fun, spending time with Kyle was fun. I noticed lily dancing with James and alice dancing with frank. The song was a slow song as I wrap my arms around Kyle and I put my face against his chest.

Sirius POV

I watch Madison dancing with Kyle. Ugh I hate the guy so much!! I drain my cup of firewhiskey and go towards Sammy.

"Let's go dance love." I say taking her hand. She was wearing a tight dress that clinged to her thighs. The song started to get upbeat as people started shaking their bodies, I take her towards Madison and we beginning to dance. Sammy noticed Madison was their and she started dancing towards me as she fluffs her hair. Eventually, Sammy went to go talk to her friends so I go get a drink. I sit down and Moony, Prongs and Wormtail come towards me and sit down.

"Someone fire burning on the dance floor." James says as he waves his hand towards his face.

"Shut up," I say.

"Is my eyes deceiving or is that Lewis with Madison?"Moony says. Prongs jerk his head towards moony direction,

"I'm going to kill that kid," prongs says getting up.

"Sit down prongs," moony says.

"Hey, your the one who pointed to out," Wormtail said to moony. I drink my butter beer and watch Lewis and Madison. She was laughing at something he said, she looked amazing.... She looked amazing in the dress and her hair looked beautiful. Lewis stands up and kissed her and left her. She spins her straw in her drink and looks around the party.

"Let's go get Lewis." I say as I drain my drink and walk towards him.

"Lewis!" I yell. He stops and turns around.

"Black," he says.

"Why the hell are you with her?" I say.

"Oh you mean Madison, jealous are you?" He says smugly.

"Go eat dung," prongs says.

"Is that you James?" Lewis says.

"You got that right!"prongs snarled.

"Why are you with Madison?" I snarled.

"We met at a concert and we hooked up." He says smiling.

"Liar," I say. I push him against the wall my hand against his shirt.

"You do anything to her and I'll kill you." I say.

"Wow, you are actually doing as your family wanted you to do." Lewis says smiling. I punched him in the face,

"Nice one Padfoot!" James yelled. Lewis pushed me and we begin to wrestle on the ground.

"FIGHT FIGHT!" People began to chant.

"Sirius stop," shrieked Sammy. Of course I didn't stop punching this guy until I feel someone push me off him. I look up to see Madison,

"Seriously Sirius!" She shrieked. She goes to Kyle and touched his face, his nose was bleeding and he had a black eye. She ushers Kyle out, Lily and Alice behind them.

"You okay darling?" Sammy says as she pressed a damp cloth against the cut on my mouth.

"Yeah," I say

Madison POV

Kyle had to leave early, I watch people dance. The air was hot and I feel a bead of sweat go down my neck. I notice people surrounding around, Lily and Alice run towards me.

"What's going?" I ask.

"Kyle and Sirius are fighting." Lily says.

"What!" I yelled. I run towards the surrounding and push people, Sammy tells Sirius to stop. Honestly, she didn't even try to stop them, she kept telling the girls how strong he was. I grab Sirius's shoulder and pull him away from Kyle.

"SERIOUSLY SIRIUS!" I screamed. I go to Kyle and help him out, Alice and Lily behind us.

"What did he do to you?" I say as I put ice on his face.

"He was one of my best friends when we were little, his parents loved me. When his parents realized that he was in gryffindor and his parents hated him. I started going to their parents and they loved me, Sirius got jealous and he ganged up on me and almost killed me." He finished.

"That doesn't sound like Sirius," I say putting a damp cloth on his lip.

"You don't know him as I do," Kyle says.

"I guess I don't," I say.

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