Chapter 25

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Sirus POV

"Where were you last night?" Prongs asked as he put his shirt on.

"With Madison." I say as I hop into the shower and quickly changed. I go downstairs and Mrs. Potter put a plate of pancake in front me and I eat it. We go to the train station, I look around trying to find Madison.

"You boys should go,"Mr.Potter say. Mr.Potter claps our back and Mrs.Potter kisses our foreheads. We walk around the train to find a comparment. We find one in the back,

"Im going to find Madison." I said. I see her closing her door, she sees me grins.

"Hey,"she said as she wraps her hands around my waist.

"Hey," I said as I lean down and kiss her. There's a cough and we break apart and my stupid brother is right there.

"What do you want Regulus?" I said harshly.

"To get to my compartment."  he said coldly. He brushes past me and goes to his compartment. Madison smiles at me and says,

"I'll see you later, kay?" she says. I nod my head and kiss her one last time and go back to the compartment.


Wow, people already found out that Sirius and I are dating. A bunch girls are huddling around my compartment asking me a dozen of questions of how Sirius'skisses. I told them it felt like an angel's wing soft and light. When we got off the train, Sirius waited for me. I grin at him,we walk towards the carriage with a bunch of other girls following us.

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