Chapter 13

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Madison POV

It's been weeks since the best party the marauders have created and everyone still whispers about. No one was caught which everyone was surprised about, but the biggest surprise was Sirius was dating a girl longer than five weeks. I want to throw up when I see him snogging her in the hallways or walking to her to class. He doesnt sit with me in Divination anymore, neither does James. They both decided to sit next to Sirius's girlfriend's table. I tried to not look hurt when they told me.


"Hey Madison." I turn around and face James and Sirius,

"Hey!" I said

"We just wanted to tell you that we are sitting with Sammy's table." Sirius said.

"Oh," I said trying to hide the disappointment,

"Yeah, sure whatever." i said waving my hand.

"Your the best!" Sirius said and they went to sit next Sammy.

Flashback Ended....

It wasnt like I cared or anything.... ok that's a total lie I do care. I hate the fact that he likes her and how he kisses her. I hate the fact that she gets his warm hugs and how his grey eyes stare at here. I HATE IT!! I REALLY DO HATE IT!!! I havent talked to the marauders for a while except Remus.

Until now.....

I was in the common room doing my homework, while everyone else went to bed. The door open and in tumbles Peter and James.

"Sirius.. gulps air..needs help." he said crouching down and breathing. I stand up, my papers falling to the ground.

"Lets go," I said. James comes towards me,

"Put this on." he said throwing the cloak over Peter and I. 

"What the heck is this?" I asked him.

"Invisibility cloak." he said.

"Oh my bloody goodness! That must been paid a fortune." I said as I gave a low whistle. We run through the empty hallways and outside.

"Where are we going?" I asked. He doesnt answer , but looks at something.

I follow his gaze and see a werewolf right in front of us. Its slashes at us and we all duck. The invisibilty cloaks falls off me and the werewolf can see me in plain sight.

"Bloody hell." I mutter. The werewolf jumps at me and I land on the ground. Its sharp teeth are near my face as foam is coming out of his mouth. I can smell blood, and I see the claw in the air. A black dog launches in the air and pushed the werewolf. The dog growls and the werewolf snarls and they begin to fight. I crawl to the bushes and hide, while watching whats going on. The wolf was biting the dog, it laid their while a prongs comes to defend the wolf. I come out of my spot and howl out  loud. The werewolfs ears perk and runs toward the howls, I hide in the bushes as it ran out. As the wolf was gone I go towards the prongs and dog. The prongs turn into... wait JAMES!!


"Just help Sirius." I go over to the dog that turned into Sirius and looked at his cuts. His shoulder was beaten up and his face had tiny scars (thank goodness). I take out my wand and fetch wet bandages. As I tie the last bandage,Sirius stirs,

"What happened?" he asked as he looked at me.

"You need to rest," I said soothingly. He nods his head and went back to sleep. I smooth out his hair and then went back to the castle.

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