Chapter 24

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Madison POV

I have to say that my Christmas Break has been magical, I spended my few days with Sirius, in which we sneak out of my house and go to a muggle concert or him and I kissing in my room. Everything felt perfect and I love him. I was looking in my window when I see Sirius climb unto my balcony. I smile to myself as I open the door. Sirius comes in grinning as snowflakes cling to his hair. 

"Hey," I said as I kiss him. He gently pin me to the wall as he kisses me, my hand combs through his hair and he slides his arm around my hips and then suddenly lets go.

"Whats wrong?" I said suddenly.

"I need to get it before it's frozen on the ground," he says. As he pulls the string on a branch, he pulls out a picnic basket and a box of pizza. He grins at me,

"I thought we can spend last night of break with a picnic." I smile to myself. I lock my door so my mom wouldnt get in.

"You did pack your things for tommorrow." I say as I lay a pink blanket on the ground.

"Yep," he says as he shrugs off his leather jacket.

"Good." I say as I sit next to him. He opens the picnic basket,

"I have butterbeer,"he says showing me the bottle," I also have cups, plates, napkins,forks and chocolate strawberries." he says grinning to me. I grin at him as I take a piece of white chicken, roasted red peppers and baby spinach pizza,

"Where did you get the butterbeer?" I asked as I sipped it.

"I have my ways." he says mysteriously. I didnt question him any further and we ate silently. After the pizza was gone Sirius and I ate the chocolate strawberries.

"I'm stuff," I said as I help my put the dirty dishes back in the basket. I lay on the blanket. Sirius lays next to me and props his hand over his head,

"I really had a good winter break." he said to me.

"Same," I said as I touch his face, he takes my hand and kisses it. I look at the clock and it reads 1:00.

"You should probably get some sleep," I said to him. 

"I just want to be with you." he said as he snuggles next to me. I get two pillows and a blanket off my bed and we snuggle together and fell asleep.

"Madison wake up," my mom yelled. I woke up, my face was buried in Sirius shirt.

"Sirius wake up," I said shaking him gently. He opens his eyes and gives me a lopsided grin,

"Hey love," he said to me and pulls me back and kisses me. I kiss back hungrily, and Sirius pins me to the ground kissing me.


"I'm coming!" I yelled. Sirius began to trail kisses down my face, I lightly push him.

"You better go," I say.

"Yeah," he said. He grabs his leather jacket and gets the picnic basket.

"I'll see you at the train." I nod my head. He kisses me one last time and then leaves. I quickly brush my teeth,changed, put makeup and straighten my hair. I run downstairs and ate breakfast,

"What took you so long?" my mom  said.

"I couldn't find my socks," I lie as I grab a english muffin and tea. After breakfast, we went to the train station, I look around to see Sirus and then I see Lily. She runs towards me hugging me,

"I'm sorry we fought. If Sirus truly has changed then I'll let you date him."

"Thanks Lily." I say hugging her back.

"Oh and here's your gift," I said handing her gift as she handed mine. I open it and inside is a photo of us last Christmas. On the top of the frame its encarved best friends for life. I hold it tightly and say,

"I love it." 

"I thought so," Lily said link our arms we go into the train. I told Alice, Ashely and Lily my whole break and how Sirius did the most romantic things.

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