Chapter 8

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Chapter 8 

Sirius POV 

I walk into Potions and spot Madison, Lily and Snivellus sitting together. 

"Dang it ," I muttered as I sat behind her. Professor Slughorn comes in the room and stares at Prongs, Mooney, Wormtail and I . 

"Miss.Mollo change seats with Mr.Potter. Mr.Potter sit next to Miss. King. Mr Pettigrew sit next to Mr. Kyle and please sit next to Miss. Patil." Professor said. 

I must admit even though Professor Slughorn hates me, he does know my taste of girls. She grabs her bag and sits next to me avoiding eye contact. 

"Today we are going to brew Babbling Beverage." I scan the directions on the board. I was going to put spider legs, when Madison stopped me. 

"Stop," she said 

"What?"I asked confused. 

"It says dragon claw," she said. 

"What's the big deal," I said yawning 

"The big deal!?!!?!!?! That spider leg still has poison and if you put into your cauldron it will melt it,"she snarled. 

"Really!?!?!?" I said excitedly. I casually walk over to Snivellus table. He was helping Evans with her potions. I quickly dropped the legs into the cauldron into his cauldron and quickly went back to my seat. 

"How could you do that?" she hissed at me. I shrugged and went back to my potions. A few minutes later, I hear hissing and crackling. I turn around and see Snivellus's cauldron melting on his table. Lily was trying to do the "reparo" spell, but it didn't work. 

"What is going on here????" Professor Slughorn asked running to Snivellus. 

"I-I D-don't Know Professor," he said shakily. 

"Hmmm...."he said peering into the cauldron. 

"Tsk Tsk,"he clucked looking at Snivellus. 

"I'm surprised Severus,you put spider legs. You should know that the spider legs still had the poison. You didn't eject the poison out." 

"B-But I-I D-Didn't Put Spider L-Legs," Snivellus stuttered. Slughorn raised his eyebrows and walked away. Prongs burst out laughing. I couldn't help , but grin. 

"Are you going to tell on me?" I hissed at Madison. She glares a me and went back to her potion. James strut towards me. 

"Did you do that?" he asked me. 

"Yep!" I said grinning. 

"Brilliant,"he said. "Why didn't I think of it?" James said. 

"Mr. Potter please report back to your seat. You only have a few minutes." Professor Slughorn said interrupting our conversation. 

"Later," he muttered to me. He looks at Slughorn. 

"I'm so sorry professor. Please forgive me for the most horrible mistake I made." James said dramatically. 

"You are forgiven Mr.Potter,but you need to finish your potion. You haven't even started!!!" Professor said looking at his potion. 

"Right," James said strutting forward. I look at the clock and noticed their was only one minute left. I quickly put my last ingredient, the potion turned into a light blue color. I took out a clear bottle and dipped into my potion. 

"Times up!?!" Professor roared."please bottle your potion and put your name on it." 

I hastily put my name on the bottle and gave it to Professor. He raises his eyebrows when he saw my potion. He critically looks in my potion and looks at me. 

"I'm impressed Black. You did this potion beautifully. I think sitting with Mrs.Mollo has influenced you."Professor said winking at her behind me. 

"N-no," she said,but I cut her off. 

"Professor, she's been a big help to me. Without her I couldn't pass this Babbling Beverage. She's my only hope,"I said dramatically. People around us sniggered and I gave Professor my best innocent face (I gave this look to every girl I dated). 

"Well I see that Mr.Black's life is in your hands, Mrs.Mollo." Professor said smiling at her. 

" Right," she muttered giving me a death glare. I go back to my table and get my stuff. Madison angrily comes and gets her stuff. 

"Hey! Mollo! Why are you mad!?!?! All girls want to sit with me!" I yelled. 

"Not me!" she yelled going to the Great Hall for lunch. 

"Too bad," James said clapping my shoulder. I stared confusedly at Prongs. 

"Did you even do your potion?" I asked James. I knew Slughorn would force him to finish his potion. 

"Nope! I used Mooney's potion." James said grinning wickedly. 

"Nice," I said 

"It is not nice!" Mooney said hotly. 

"Lighten up Moony! Wormtail was silent,until he met me. Right Wormtail." Prongs said looking at Wormtail. 

"Right," Wormtail squirmed. 

We all walked to the Great Hall. 

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