Chapter 3

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Sirius POV

We come inside the compartment.

"Leave Potter!"

I turn around and see Lily Evans. In the compartment was Snivellus aka Severus Snape in Slytherin, Ashely Heart from Ravenclaw and the girl of my dreams. I studied her face for awhile. She looked vaguely familiar.

"Hey Evans," James said. He looks around the compartment and spots Snivellus trying to hide in the shadows.

"What's THAT git doing here,"James snarled.

"THAT git is my friend," she hissed.

"You don't want a slimeball as your friend," James said. The girl with the black hair rolled her eyes and smiled at me. That smile...... where have I seen it??? Finally it hit to me. This girl was Madison Mollo,best friends with Evans and neighbors with the Potters. She looked different , her usual black hair was up in a ponytail,but today it was down. Her childish face looked..... mature.

"You know my heart goes to you Lily," James said.

"Thanks,but no thanks," Lily responded.

"You might have to do CPR because you took my breath away!" James said dramatically.

Lily rolled her eyes.

"That was so last year," she replied

"I-," James said,but was stopped.

" Leave Potter!" Lily said pointing out of the compartment.

"Fine," James grumbled as we left Lily's compartment.

Madison POV

James straightens himself and speaks in his "mature voice". I can't believe he thinks he'll get Lily to go out with him! It's never going to work. She always tells me that she hates him and that he bothers her all the time. Although, I think she likes it when he bothers her.(don't tell that to Lily) Anyway, I was dozing off with my thoughts when I caught Sirius staring at him. I roll my eyes and smile at him. He gives me a lopsided smile and my heart began to beat faster. I look at my friend Remus Lupin, he's the nicest in the group. He is like me, we both like to read and be good. Remus smiles at me and I roll my eyes at the fight Evans and Potter are having.

"" Leave Potter!" Lily said pointing out of the compartment.

"Fine," James grumbled as they left our compartment.

My bag drops to the floor and my stuff falls out. I scramble to get my stuff.

"You forgot this." Severus said handing me a photo.

"Thanks," I said. I look at the photo, it was a Leo Capris , the seeker for the Irish National Qudditch team. Then I remembered something,

"I have to go," I said standing up.

"Where?" Lily asked.

"To James compartment. I promised him I'll get him a Leo Capris signature at the Qudditch World Cup game and I have it." I said waving the photo.

"Okay,"she said.

I left the compartment and tried to find James compartment. I open one compartment which was filled with Ravenclaw boys.

"Hey, can you tell me where James Potter's compartment is?" I asked.

"Yeah it on the left of ours ," said the boy with sandy hair.

"Thanks," I said and left their compartment.

I finally come to James compartment.

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