Chapter 29

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Sirius POV

Prongs, Wormtail, Moony and I go into Prongs invisibility cloak and left the castle. We take the cloak off ourselves,

"You know what to do Wormtail." I said. Wormtail nods his head and transforms into a mouse, he scurries to the knot of the Whomping Willow, the tree freezes and we all run in the hole. We go to the room in the top,

"I love doing this!" Prongs says as he grabs three bottles of firewhiskey out of his bag,,I took our food and stored it, and jumped on our bed,

“Where is Moony??” I ask.

“Probably eating an innocent bunny or something.” prongs says to me. He jumps on a blue beanbag that was propped against the wall. I looked around the room, there was ripped curtains, in which Remus would have his fits, a shredded door and a few broken planks on the ground. Moony enters the room his eyes looked wild, his clothes torn, his hair wild and his face had bloody scars on it.

"Moony, don't claw your face." I said grabbing his hand ashe was attacking his face.

"Sorry, but my face is itchy!!!" he exclaims trying to scratch his face. I scratch the bridge of his nose, his cheeks and his forehead.

"Thanks," he said in a sigh of relief.

Remus bandages his face while Prongs and I were testing new spells to try out on Snivellus.


Wormtail is dangled upside down by his ankle,

'Nice one Prongs," I say.


I yelled the chairs come off the ground and went straight towards Remus, Remus lazily flicks his wand and the chairs fell to the ground with a loud crash.

"How can you not utter a word to say a spell?" I exclaim in shock.

"I've been reading the 6th year Defense against the Dark Arts." Moony says smugly. I roll my eyes as I try to practice other spells. We had to transfigure into our animal forms because we were sure that Moony would kill us in the night. Moony transforms and he sits far away, he looked innocent as he curls to the side of the wall, his tail wrapping around his body. I  stretch across the bed, my whole body filled with fatigue. My ears perked every few seconds when I hear a small sound, tension fills my back and I lean back.. Remus eyes glowed in the dark, his eyes looked hunger, I growl at him and Moony lays back, his head propped against his paws. I put my head against my paw and watch Moony, poor guy getting bitten when he was a little kid. Great kid, just couldn't get the ladies. My thoughts wander to Madison, wonder what she is thinking right now. I close my eyes and drift to sleep

My Dream..........

"Sirius wake up," said a farmiliar voice. I open my eyes to see Madison, and gosh she was beautiful. She had her hair loose letting her raven hair fell across her shoulders, her amber eyes glowed with lust and love and her lips the lightest shade of pink. 

"Where was I??"  I see a grassy plain, I get up and look around. I was having a picnic with Madison, a checkered blanket with platters of ham ,roast beef and potatoes. I look at Madison she was wearing a light blue dress that looked amazing on her.

"Am I dreaming," I whispered to her. She nods her head no as she comes closer to me and then her lips were on me and boy was I crazy, I pull her closer to me and she pulls my jacket off me , I pin her to the ground. She smiles at me as she touch my face, I close my eyes taking in everything. I kiss her my lips moving everywhere, she squirms in pleasure as I kiss her lips, my hands going to her hips pulling her in, wanting her more than anything. She breaks apart and looks at me, her head cocked to the side,

"What is it?" I asked

"Do you love me?" she said to me

"More than anyone in the world." i said trying to kiss her, she puts her finger on my lips.

"Even Sammy?" she asked. It hit me and my dream crumbled, next thing I know I was outside in the lake shore.

"It's a beautiful night," I said as i propped myself.

"It sure is." I look around trying to find Madison but she wasnt there.

"There is my constellation," I said pointing at the sky.

"Hmm," said the voice as I feel her arms around me her head propped against my back. I turned my head around and close my eyes as I kiss her, her lips seemed soft. When I open my eyesI jerk my head back in surprise, for the face on the girl wasnt Madison, but Sammy.

End of Dream....

I wake up yelling,

"Madison! Sammy!" Prongs, Wormtail and Moony look at me, I blink my eyes I was in bed. James transfigured back to human form,

"What's wrong?" James asked.

"Nothing," I say after I transform back to human form,

"just a bad dream." I rub my eyes and went back to sleep.

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