Chapter 37

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Madison POV

I lay in bed, as flash of Sirius kissing me, wow I wanted more.

"Madison! Lily is here!" I hear footsteps coming up the stairs and I see lily,

"How about we go to the beach? Some of my muggle friends wants me to come and I thought Alice, Ashely and you can come." She says.

"Awesome!" I say. I take a pink duffel bag and throw in my flip flops, a few magazines( muggle ones), sun lotion, sunglasses, my makeup bag,sea salt spray for my hair and of course money and a change of clothes. I put on a black and white polka dot bikini and I threw on a black crop top and short jean shorts.

"Bye mom!" I yelled. Lily's parents are waiting in a car( that's what Lily told me). Soon we got all the gals and they took us to the beach, the ocean was calling me. I took my flip flops off and dig my feet into the sand enjoying how it feels. I take off my crop top and applied sun screen on my arms. Lily, and her muggle friend Rachael were putting a towel and food out.

"I need a good tan." I say as I lay unto the towel, I slide on my sunglasses.

"OMG, their is a hot guy coming towards," Rachael whispers excitedly to us. I slip off my sunglasses and my mouth was drooling. Their is Sirius black, and wow he has been working out.

"Fancy seeing you ladies here." James says.

"I see you've been working out James." I say.

"Yes I have." He says flexing his arms. Lily rolls her eyes,

"I think I want a dip, Madison you coming?" Lily asks me.

"Sure." I say standing up. I shim out of my shorts and followed lily.

"Does he really think he's good looking?" Lily says to me.

"It's James obviously he does." I say grinning. Lily wads into the ocean, I dip my toe in the water, it was cold.

"Come on Madison." Lily hollers.

"It's cold!" I say. I feel a pair of hands on my waist and I'm thrown into the ocean, the cold water shocks me. Sirius grins at me,

"I really hate you!" I say to him. He grins at me as he goes underwater, he grabs my leg.

"Sirius!" I yelped as I fall.

"Chill," he says to me, our faces were close. I felt his hand on my waist, trapping me. I throw water at him,

"You didn't do that." He says to me spitting the water out of his mouth.

"Let me do it again." I say as I splash water at him.

"This is war!" Sirius declares to me. I felt like a little kid again splashing water at my friends and that's what we were basically doing. James and Sirius against Lily and I. The finally round was basically splashing someone to death until they retreat and have to pay for lunch. And yes the boys won so we waded out of the pool and got the gang to an amazing pizza shop. The piazza was amazing, so cheesy and yummy. Afterwards, Lily and James went back to the ocean with Ashely and Rachael. I sit on the beach towel getting my tan started when Sirius plops down,

"So Mollo. How is Lewis?" Sirius says. I turn towards him,

"Are you going to tell me what up with you and Lewis?" I say. Sirius stays quiet, I sigh,

"Well he was a good friend of mine." Sirius started. I angled my body towards him and listen to him,

"And then he started to become a kiss up to my parents and wanted to become a death eater. He beat me up one day saying that I'm a fool to not be a death eater. Here is a scar." He says touching his side.

"Oh my gosh." I say as I slide my hand towards his side. I feel his breath against my face,

"I miss you Mollo." He says quietly.

"I miss you like hell." He says as he looks at the water then to me.

" me too." I say to him quietly finally realizing that I did miss him.

"Why did you break up with me?" He says taking my hand. I stay silent recalling everything.

"You guys coming into the water." Lily yells. I notice how close she was to James, and I leap up to my feet silently thanking her for the interruption. I ran into the water and we swam for awhile, lily and I stayed longer while Ashely and Rachael left. James and Sirius were with us of course, we decided to eat dinner earlier. I throw on my crop top and my short shorts and we went to get burger and fries. James wanted to show lily a cool spot so that they could see the sunset better, I thought best to not interrupt their cute moment. I walked around with Sirius, we joked around and He bought me ice cream and a hat. I lean against the board planks railing, I feel Sirius behind me. I turn towards him, he smiles at me. Gosh he was gorgeous,his hair was around his eyes and his eyes sparkled. His arms were tone and looked good in his tanktop, I wrap my arms around his neck. He pulls me towards him and I lean my head on his chest.

"Madison?" Shit! I turn around to see Kyle,

"Hey." I say weakly.

"What the hell are you doing with him?" He asked angrily. I laugh weakly as I'm in between two angry guys. Why does this happen to me?

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