Chapter 46

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Madison POV
I open my eyes to see Sirius sleeping on the plastic chair next to me, I smile a little. Is it just me or do people look younger when they sleep? His eyes flickers as he sees me and he quickly leans forward and kisses me.
"I thought I lost you." He says his thumb moving on my cheek.
"I'm a survivor." I say as I kiss him. We hear a cough and we stop our kiss and turn to see Remus holding a bunch of flowers.
"Thanks remus." I say taking the flowers out of his hands. He puts his hands in his pockets,
"So how do you feel?" He asked.
"Like a thousands bricks are on top of me." I say. He cracks a smile,
"That's good right?" I smiled and noticed how remus was frowning at sirius.
"Great." I thought to myself.
"I better go to class.... First time McGongall allowed me to skip her class." Sirius says.
"I'll see you at lunch time." He says as he gives me a quick kiss.
"I better go to.. Hope you feel better madison." Remus says as he follows Sirius out of the hospital wing.
Remus flashback from yesterday's incident........
"WHAT THE HELL!?!!??" I yelled as I jumped out of my seat. James was telling me what had happen to Madison.
"SHE COULD HAVE DIED!?!?" I yelled at james.
"I know." James says as he rubs his forehead.
"Your yelling is worse than Lily."
"You git she could have died!! My best friend!! I told her to not date a moron!! But now her boyfriends brother is now killing her too. WHAT KIND OF PEOPLE DO THAT!!?!?" James says imitating lily's high pitched voice.
"She's right though!" I say loudly.
"Sirius is being selfish! He doesn't respect her! If I was her boyfriend I would love her and care for....." I stop and look at James. His face is in shock,
"Wait you like madison?" He says.
"No!" I say forcefully.
"Oh my gosh... I knew it.. I can't be Wormtail was right...... Shit now I need to give ten galleons."
"Wait you knew?" I said.
"It's so obvious.... Actually it isn't anyways sirius will kill you."
"Yeah IK! Worst part.." I say as I watch James take a swag of butter beer ,
"I kissed her on the train coming to Hogwarts." James spits out the butter beer and chokes on his drink. After a few hard thumps on his back, he wipes his mouth and looks at me.
"Does she like you?" He says.
"No." I say," she won't even look at me." I reply.
"This is complicated mate." James says.
"Ik." I say miserably.
Flashback ended........
Remus POV
I leave the hospital wing and quickly walk in front of sirius.
"MOONY WAIT UP!!!" Sirius yelled. I ignored him and kept walking.
"Moony," I feel a thump on my back." Are you deaf??"
"CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW?!?" Sirius yelled in my ear.
"Cut it out."'I said
"Woah what's wrong?" He says grabbing my arm and wrenching my body to face him.
"I WOULD NEVER TREAT HER LIKE THAT!?!?!?" I yelled. Sirius face was shocked,
"Wait you LIKE her!!!" Sirius yelled. He stands up correctly and walks to me.
"She doesn't want you!!! You think I WOULD KILL HER!!?!? Look at you remus, your a werewolf you almost killed her before!!!" Sirius says. My anger flared and I punch Sirius in the stomach, he falls to the ground and he charges towards me and wrestles me.
"STOP IT!?!!?!?!"

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