Chapter 10

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Madison POV

I slid in between Frank and Alice as we listen to the professor talk, I look around to see Sirius, James and Peter huddled around something. Sirius sees me looking at him and gives me a lopsided smile, I smile back at him and listen to the professor. Halfway through class we hear a big boom and we all turn to see poor Richard Knight with boils on his face. Obv the marauders had detention for a whole week. I laugh silently as I walked out of class.

Sirius POV

"Did u see that!"James said.

" boils the size of dragon dung!" I said laughing. We stumble into a bunch of pretty Hufflepuff girls. We flirted with them for a good ten minutes until I saw Madison walk by, her face unrecognizable.

"Good grief! I got to go to Qudditch practice!" He starts to dart off and we follow him. Remus, Peter and I sit on the stands and watch James grab the snitch. Peter stands up and claps until I had to grab his shirt and pull him down. I see Michael Phillips telling Megan,

"I'll go easy on you doll." She rolls her eyes and gets on her broomstick. She soars in the air, her black hair flying. She was a good flyer, I lean back and watch her. As Qudditch practice was over, James comes towards us. He grins at the girls passing by and rumples his hair. Peter Parkson comes toward Madison and was talking to her, she looked happy.

"Hey guys, we should have a party. Everyone is invited except for Slytherin." I said rolling my eyes.

"How are we going to fit everybody?"asked Remus. Prongs and I grin,

"The room of requirements."

A/N hey guys!! Sorry this chapter small! Ill promise I'll write more! Luv ya!?!

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