Chapter 45

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Remus POV
I stare at a thin sheet of paper that reads,
"I saw you kiss Madison." Shit.. Someone saw us kiss. First day of school and I get blackmailed by someone. I couldn't identify the cursive handwriting, it seemed like a girls writing. Madison enters the classroom, noticed me and sits in a different seat. great just great. I lost my only best friend in this class. I burned the paper and took deep breaths, keep calm remus. Your a prefect and everything has to be in order, good thing Madison isn't a prefect. I glance at her and I notice her glancing at me. She quickly averts her eyes away from me... Wonderful
Madison POV
SHIT SHIT SHIT. SOMEONE SAW ME AND REMUS KISSING!! Shit shit. Some person mailed the letter to me, I couldn't identify the cursive writing, but I'm freaking out. It's not Sammy or her loser friends I would now. I go to my first class and noticed remus there, I sat the opposite side of him. I feel so bad, but if I need to convince this person that I don't like remus maybe he won't tell anyone. I highly doubt that. I glance at remus and noticed that he was staring at me, I quickly averted my eyes away from him. I feel a pang of hurt run through myself. After class ended I ran out and went to Divination, thank goodness Remus isn't there. Next thing I know my bag ripped, my ink bottles crashed to the ground.
"SHIT!!" I yelled as I crouched down and threw my stuff into my bag. The hallway was empty,
"So I finally meet my brother girlfriend." I whip my head around as I see a guy that kinda looks like sirius.
"Who the hell are you?" I asked.
"Regulus Black." He says as he gets away from the wall in which he was leaning on.
"I never heard of you." I said to him. As I fixed my bag and throw it on my shoulder.
"Of course you haven't." He said,"my brother wouldn't dare talk about his family." He said to me as he circled around me.
"Well you certainly are a beauty." He says. I don't know if that was a compliment considering that he said it meanly. He points his wand at me,
"What are you doing?" I say as I take my wand out.
" I'm doing what my parents wanted to do many years ago." He says smiling at me.
"Get the hell away from her." I turn around to see sirius and James pointing there wands at regulus.
"Well well brother, look at you becoming the knight and shining armor with your idiot side kick." Regulus says.
"Hello regulus." James says gritting his teeth.
"James." He says nodding his head. Two Slytherin come out from the shadows pointing their wands at us,
"How about a family duel?" Regulus asked giving a smile.
"Deal." Sirius says grabbing sirius hand and shaking it.
"On the count of three one-two-THREE!"
"EXPELLIAMUS" all of us roared as red lights flash everywhere. Man what a fight I was against this thin girl who would whip her wand without uttering a word. I kept blocking her, but it was quite a workout. Eventually I hit her in the face which cause her to get tons of blisters. I help james he got hit by a spell and he is gushing with blood. We eventually beat his opponent and watch the two siblings fight, it was quite amazing to watch. Weird huh. They were both concentrated as they whiz spells at each other. Regulus notices me and points his wand at me before I could react I slam against the wall and black out.
Sirius POV
Regulus points his wand at Madison and she flew into the wall and slumps down.
"NOOO!" I yelled as if throw a spell squarely at regulus chest he flies to the ground. I run towards Madison, blood was flowing from her head,
"Shit." I say. I turn around to regulus,
"ACCIO WAND!" I roared his hand soaring to my hand. He lies on the ground his nose gushing with blood, I began to say the crucio spell, watching my yelp in pain.
"STOP." james says as he takes my hand.
"This isn't who you are."
"That's right brother, you never had the guts to kill me." Regulus as he wipes blood off his face.
"He's doing this on purpose! Come on we need to get madison to the hospital wing now!" James says as he pulls my hand. I reluctantly give in as I gently pick her up and ran to the hospital wing with James sprinting behind me.

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