Chapter 38

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Sirius POV

REALLY LEWIS HAD TO RUIN THIS PERFECT MOMENT!?!?!?!! I was going to kiss her again, gosh all you want to do is kiss her cause she is that beautiful and amazing. Yes I can tell she has been working out, gosh her body and her arms look tone. That bikini was hot! Madison was in the middle of us while Lewis and I are glaring at each other.

"Kyle, look um.' She says trying to say something.

"Your cheating on me." Lewis says angrily.

"No!" She says coming to him.

"Let's go talk somewhere else." She says as she gives me a side glance.

"Yeah let's do that." He says grabbing her hand and taking her some place.

Madison POV

Kyle takes me to a corner of a shop, he grabs a liquor and gulps it down. He drank three and then he looked at me, his eyes were angry. I was scared,

"Kyle." I say softly.

"You- you are a slut." He slurs. My mouth drops,

"Excuse me!" I say furiously. He comes close to my face and I can smell the liquor,

"Prove it. Come to bed with me." He says.

"No." I say disgusted as I push him away from me.

"I wanted to talk to you to tell you that we are breaking up." I say as I walk away. He grabs my wrist and pushes me against the wall,

"Get the hell off of me!"I yelled. He crashes his lips on mine and began to unbutton my jean shorts.

"Stop it." I say pushing him he grabs my hands as he kisses me. I bite his lip hard, he gets off of me, I zip my shorts. He touched his lip which was bleeding,

"Bitch." He says as he slaps me in the face. I stagger back and fall down hard, I touch my cheek. Kyle comes forward and gives me a cruel smile,

"Where is your Prince Charming?"he says mockingly. He grabs my hair and throws me against the wall, my head hitting the wall. I fall down and I felt like the world was spinning, something was running down my cheek. I touch it and see blood on my fingertips, Kyle comes forward. I try to crawl away, but he grabs my leg jerking towards him. He kicks me in the side and I scream, we were far away and no one was going to hear us. I close my eye as tears leak out and then the kicking stop,

"Get the hell away from her." Sirius said grabbing Kyle away from me. He punches him and Kyle fall down on the ground, he rushes towards me.

"Sirius." I sob as I hug him.

"I'm here." He says soothingly. He helps me up and then Kyle kicks him. Sirius fells to the ground holding that area (pretty sure you guys know what I am talking about), Kyle punches his face and they begin to wrestle on the ground. I grab a near by stick and hit kyle's head. Hilarious I know. Sirius looks at me in shock and stands up,

"Let's leave." He say talking my hand.I follow him clinging on his hand for support. I wait outside as he grabs some wet napkins and some ice, he comes back holding a cup of ice and damp napkins. We sit on the sand as he press the damp napkin on my cut, he looked so cute when he is serious. His eyebrows were scrunched together and his tongue was sticking out a bit.

"How did you find me?" I say to him.

"I had a bad vibe something was up and I know that Kyle would take you somewhere sketchy." He says. He looks at me and I bit my lips,

"You saved me." I say.

"I seriously thought he was going to kill me or do something worse." I say tears pouring. Sirius lifts my face,

"I swear that no one will ever do that to you again." He says.

"You promise." I say. He leans forward and kisses me,

"I promise."he says breathily. I pull him towards me as we kiss, crushing every hurtful thing we did to each other.

"Looks like you guys are together." We break apart to see lily and James holding hands,

"What about you two?" I say nodding towards their hand.

"We are almost their." James says gleefully while Lily rolls her eyes.

"Hey where did you get that cut?" Lily says.

"Well it's a hell of a story." I say as I look at Sirius and he looks at me,

"It sure is." And then we tell them what happened.

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