Chapter Twenty Three~* (Edt.)

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1~ Unknown

I watch as the boy with light brown hair sobs. Blood covers his hands and he clutches a few strands of long hair in his hands. I shrink back into the shadows as an older lady limps out of the trees. She also has blood on her hands and the same long strands clutched tightly in her grip. Tears leave tracks on her cheeks as she gets closer to the boy. The two begin talking and I shift in an agitated manner because I'm too far away to hear anything they're saying. I turn my head, looking for a new hiding spot that is closer to the two. Seeing none, I growl softly in anger.

My anger is suddenly forgotten as a loud smack echoes across the backyard. I swiftly turn back to the older lady and boy and can just make out a large red mark on the boys face. The two have a stare down until he breaks.

"I'm sorry!" He screams in an agonized voice. "I'm sorry I couldn't keep her safe!" Light catches onto the tears dripping off his face as the little water droplets hit the ground. He quiets his voice just enough to the point where I can't hear what he says next.

I look for some sort of reaction in the older lady to try to see what he said. The lady stiffens and her hands clench tightly at her sides. A foul string of words leave her lips, causing the boy to retort back in an equally foul manner. Then, without giving herself a second to consider what she's doing, the lady launches herself onto the boy and throws punches and kicks. Pretty soon though, he grabs her arms and sits up. She sobs loudly and weakly attempts to hit him again. He grabs her wrist and pulls her to his body for a hug as his lips move to form what I can only guess are comforting words.

The heartfelt moment is ruined by the growing sound of sirens. A police cruiser comes tearing down the street with an ambulance in hot pursuit. I shrink further into the shadows, sensing it was my time to leave by the arrival of the police and ambulance. I turn and run freely through the trees, heading back to her.

1~ Jeff

I stand and pace outside my bedroom. I'm right in front of the door when it's suddenly thrown open. I don't react quickly enough and I end up getting hit in the shoulder with the edge of the hard wood door. Swear words fill my mouth but die off when I see the two people walk out.

"Slender, is she okay?" I rush out and attempt to peek behind him.

"She's fine. I must have hit her too hard when I grabbed her." Slender pushes his cart out of the way so Sally could walk out of the room.

"Okay. Now..." I trail off and look at Sally. "Why did she get to go and not me!" I whine in a childish manner and turn away from the two while crossing my arms over my chest.

Sally giggles and goes around so she's in front of me. "Jeffy, I had to change Jaime! I put her in Darcy's clothes but don't tell her. She'd get mad."

I weakly glare at her for a few seconds before I look away with a slight groan. She giggles and I smile weakly. Her body moves closer to me and her arms raise. In the few seconds before she could throw her arms around me, I panic and step further back. She tips slightly forward and I flick her forehead. The force of my flick sends her reeling backwards.

"Jeff," Slender says, stopping me from flicking her again.

"Hn. Whatever." I turn to go back in my room. "See ya later." I close the door behind me and look at Jamie.

She's sleeping on my bed, but her slumber is uneasy. She tosses and turns and occasionally moans. I step to her and place my hand on her cheek, only to quickly jerk it back. Her skin is on fire as if she has a fever. I back up and ring a little bell. I had just put the bell down when the door bursts open. The sound of wheels fills the room as I whip around. Slender comes in pushing a cart.

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