Chapter 23

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Cassidy's P.O.V.

I wish I could scream right now, Ratchet just stop! Fight this! Don't you see what you're doing? Ratchet! I wish I could scream, yell, anything...

Tears were flowing down my face in pain, and I was breathing really fast. I didn't even want to know what my left arm looked like after Ratchet...burned it.

"The nice thing about this is she doesn't make much noise..." I heard Knockout mutter from somewhere, and if I wasn't in pain I would've given him the death glare, not that it would have much effect any-

Ow! Scrap, Ratchet, fight this!

Ratchet had transformed his servo into his amputating blade and had pressed on my burned arm, causing fresh tears to well up in my eyes just when I thought I couldn't cry any more. I bit my lip and clenched my right fist; clenching my left one would've been way too painful.

The sound of a door opening and another 'bot in entering the room made me frown. I didn't want anyone else in here, Megatron and Knockout were enough.

"What?!" I suddenly heard Megatron yell. I couldn't tell what had happened; My eyes were squeezed shut, so I didn't have to look into those cold purple optics of Ratchet's.

"My liege, I can explain-"

Well, that was Knockout.

"Explain what? That you hit another human vehicle while driving and caused attention to yourself?" Megatron shouted.

"I was distracted-"

"Soundwave, erase the data, erase anything and everything relating to the crash," Megatron interrupted. I never heard a reply, but I did hear a door open and close, and then pedesteps walking toward me and Ratchet-

Ow, dangit.

I was so focused on the Decepticons' conversation that I even forgot about the pain for a minute or two.

"Knockout, you don't even look damaged," Megatron said, his voice now directed to the other 'con.

"I...may have freshened up before I came," he admitted. "She was still unconscious, so I thought I'd know, I'll just...uh...shut up now."

I heard another door open and close.

"Enough," I heard Megatron's voice command nearby, and the pressure on my arm stopped, and I couldn't help but exhale in relief.

"Stay here, and watch her." I heard Megatron command. "And you watch him," he commanded to someone else, and the door opened again, before the room became silent. I had an idea of who was inside still, and I was afraid to open my eyes to see them, but I dared anyway and immediately saw Ratchet, staring me down, with about two Vehicons behind him. I looked away to check on my arm, and saw it was red and covered in blisters, though thankfully, none of my skin had been charred.

I quickly turned away, not wanting to look at the sight any longer and closed my eyes again, my head pounding. I wanted to throw up.

Something suddenly poked me, and I cracked an eyelid open to look, seeing Ratchet above me. Something about him was different though...his optics were a lighter shade of purple, and there was a hint of blue in them...and he looked...worried.

Suddenly he made a few motions with his servos; vague enough to not be noticed by anyone who wasn't watching close enough.


Without a Word-a TFP Ratchet Guardian Fanfic (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now