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thanks for 5k lmao

have a smut chapter cause i hate writing plot (i dont actually hate it im just HORRIBLE at writing it)


josh taps his steering wheel as debby drones on about her time in europe.

why did he choose to date a college girl?

she's annoying, loud and worst of all, homophobic.

oh, there's two guys holding hands in the mall?


that girl kissed her girlfriend on the cheek in the restaurant?


that's why he can't have debby find out about him because she'll leak it to the press and his company will lose clients about as quick as he got hooked on tyler.

josh breathed and exhaled tyler.

ever since that first night he couldn't get him out of his head.

maybe because tyler was the best lay he'd ever had or maybe because he feels something more for the small boy, but he knows there's definitely something drawing him back to tyler.

he wanted to know more about the poor boy, getting money from having sex.

"i'm going out later with all my friends and we're probably gonna go back to marissa's house so i won't be back until tomorrow afternoon." debby explains to josh, who seemingly has no interest in what shes saying other than the fact she's gone tonight.

"fine by me." josh tells her, pulling into his driveway.

debby pouts when josh doesn't try to convince her to stay.


tyler finally gets home to his one bedroom apartment around 3:30 and drops the groceries he bought on his way home from work, in the kitchen.

he packs away everything in the cabinets and fridge, before laying down on his bed.

tyler couldn't help but be shady around debby. it was funny to see her huge, round eyes look at him in confusion without knowing anything had ever happened between him and josh.

his hand roams on his bed for his phone and he clicks it on.

while scrolling through his instagram feed, he gets a text from an unknown number.

well, not completely unknown. it was josh's number.

from josh:

been thinking about you all day, princess.

pacify her ; joshlerWhere stories live. Discover now