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"i'm so sorry for getting you into this mess, tyler." josh stresses, his hands tightly gripping the steering wheel.

"josh it wasn't your fault. zack did this-" tyler gestures to his purple and yellow jaw, "-not you."

"i know but i prompted you to go in the first place and if i had gone with you to the bathroom your jaw wouldn't even be hurting. god, just seeing you in pain makes me so angry."

"pain seems to follow me." tyler whispers. "grant, dallon, now my own damn brother."

"i'm not going to let it ever happen to you again, okay? as much as i love being your knight in shining armor, i think the effect it has on your side is much worse than my love for saving you."

tyler leans over in his seat and pecks josh on the cheek.

"love you." tyler whispers before returning his back to his seat.

"i love you, too tyler." josh returns the affection and links their hands together.


"so his jaw isn't broken?" josh asks the doctor, a clipboard in the doctors hands.

"no, sir. just major bruising and it was very close to being dislocated but luckily it didn't come to that."

"thank you, dr. boyd." josh says, his hand rubbing tylers back.

"anytime. but in the meantime i'm prescribing some extra strength pain killers to numb the pain while it heals."

"thanks." tyler smiles as he hops off of the medical bed.

dr. boyd hands the prescription paper to tyler and he pockets it.

"lets go." josh grabs tylers hand with own, leading him out through the doors and to their car.

they both get into the car and josh thinks of something they haven't done in a while.

"let's go on a date."

"a date?"

"yeah. a date. we haven't been on one in forever so fuck it. after everything that's happened today, we deserve to be served our food."

tyler smiles and nods his head in agreement.

"where do you suggest we go on this date?"

"now that, my dear, is a surprise."


josh pulls into a small restaurant, parking the car and getting out, tyler following.

"josh, where are we?" tyler asks as josh wraps his arm around tylers waist.

"did i forget to mention that my family owns an italian restaurant?" josh asks.

"yeah, no. i guess that slipped your mind?" tyler giggles and josh grips his waist.,"wait i look horrible, josh." tyler points out, gesturing to his face and dirty clothes.

josh shrugs, "they won't mind."

tyler rolls his eyes at joshs nonchalant attitude, entering the small restaurant.

"josh!" a woman with brown hair scurries up to josh, a large smile on her face.

"hey, momma." joshs face flushes as he hears tyler snicker at what he calls his mother.

"it's been a long time." laura lightly smacks his shoulder. "come visit your mother once in a while."

"sorry, momma. i've been caught up."

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