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"dead?" josh questions, shocked.

"yeah.." tyler pauses. "dead."

"what happened?"

"it says here he died of a heart attack in his sleep." tyler says, reading the letter again.


"i know." tyler stresses, running a hand through his hair as he walks into the living room.

tyler paces the living room and josh sits on the couch.

"i mean, he's my dad. i should go, right?"

"of course."

"but then again he kicked me out of the house. if he saw me at his funeral, no doubt he would be shaking in his casket at the sight of his gay son."


"and what would my mom say? 'go away fag, your father wouldn't want you here'? i just don't think i'm re-"

"tyler, i'll go with you." josh offers, interrupting tyler.

"josh.." tyler says, his tone softening up. "me going alone is bad enough. me bringing my boyfriend is worse."

"if i go, they won't say shit to you. i'll make sure they're as nice as they can be."

"if you're sure.." tyler looks at josh for one last approval and josh nods. "the wake is in two days."

"well then, we're gonna have to get you a suit to wear."


"i just can't believe he's dead, you know? yeah, he kicked me out of the house and forced me to be the perfect kid but he's my dad even through all of this." tyler rants as they walk through the mall to the tailor.

"tyler, don't beat yourself up. it was his choice to kick you out because of your sexuality not yours."

"i'm not, i just don't know what i'm gonna do there. put a red rose under his hands as a single tear falls from my right eye?"

"just do what feels appropriate, ty."

"i haven't seen him in 4 years i don't even know whats appropriate with my parents anymore."

they walk into the tailor and the man makes tyler stand on a platform and he measures tyler just about everywhere.

"choose a suit style you'd like, sir." he tells tyler with a thick italian accent.

after browsing for a little bit, tyler decides on a simple black suit.

"we need it by tomorrow, renaldo." josh instructs and renaldo nods as he goes into the back room.

"do you want to do anything else while we're out?"

tyler shakes his head.

"i just want to go home."


when the pair got home, they had dinner and tyler called it a night. josh had nothing else to do but follow tyler and sleep.

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