part 1

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It all started with a dare. Jason had one of his many friends over. Jason dared Drew to eat a spider and Zoe began to gag as she watched her big brothers friend pick up the spider and place it into his mouth and began to chew.
"Eeew Drew thats gross" Zoe says in disgust
"Haha I bet you couldn't do that in a million years" Drew says in a cocky tone to my brother Jason.
"I bet I could do worse" Jason says smugly.
"Hummm I dare you to go to the haunted house in the dark part of town" Drew smirks
"Hahah and you dont think I will, I go there all the time,  I dont believe in ghosts" Jason laughs loudly


They left the house late in the night and made the long walk in the thundering rain to what everyone calls "the dark part of town".

Zoe clutches her brothers hand as they push open the wooden door of the deserted run down house.
"Lets go upstairs" Drew says bravely
"Drew, Jason can we go home know?" Zoe says trembling as they go up the stairs.
"Ok umm we should open all the doors" Jason mumbles.
"Yeah" Drew replies as he opens a large door to see a sofa and a fire place with a wooden coffee table,  the room stenched of dust and damp and the dark paint was chipping.
"Look over there Zoe sit there as we go to explore ok." Jason says sternly to his younger sister
"No Jason don't leave me alone" Zoe says tears filling in her eyes.
"I wont Drew will stay with you" Jason looks over to his friend sternly.

Zoe and Drew where left together as Jason went to explore. Drew rolled his eyes.
"Are you really crying? Seriously?"
"Shut up Drew." Zoe huffed. They stood together in silence for a while and Drew started leaned again the damp wall getting restless.
"I'm bored." Stated Drew as he pushed off the wall.
"Wait! Where are you going?" Cried Zoe reaching out for his arm in attempt to stop him from leaving.
"Home. I am bored and cold." He replied.
"No! Please! Jason said that you would stay with me."
"I'm not your keeper Zoe!" He snapped and pulled his arm free and left the house leaving Zoe alone.

Sitting, she waited staring at the leak in the ceiling and listening to the creaking,  alone in the old haunted house for her big brother to arrive he seemed to be running late.

Thunder vibrated the room suddenly flames spread quickly trapping her inside, she wailed loudly in hope that her brother would hear her. But her never arrived causing the young girl to lose hope. She looked around helplessly for an exit. The open widow seems to be the only option she runs and jumps out.

Somehow onto something not to rough she quickly realises it was onto someone she ignores her cut knees and stand she quickly quickly recognises as her brother her frown turns into a quick grin of happiness until she sees he lookes pale and tired with a distant look in his glowing red eyes.

The young girl sensed her brother wasn't himself and began to flee but her brother was to fast he broke into a fast sprint and tackled her to the ground quickly pinning her down onto the gravel floor; he places his hands around her neck and squeezes cutting of her yelps.
"Your two weak to fight me Zoe so dont bother fighting. Remember what mom always says your only 9 so act your age" he whispers angrily into her ear.
"Jason! Please let go" Zoe gags and kicks  Jason hard between the legs losening his grip,  she leaps up and runs as fast as she could in the direction of her home.

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