Part 26

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Drew pov

We made it home around 12 in the afternoon.

Something felt different for some reason I wasn't sure if it was because I am a vampire again and am dead again.
"Come on voys dinner dinner is ready" Cindy calls to us from the dining area.

We both walk in and Jason begins to eat his spaghetti bolanase as if he had never eaten in his life, whiles I sit the slowly and realise I am not hungry, I pick at it and realise it tastes like sludge if that has a taste.
"Aren't you hungry Drew" Eliot asks flatly
"No,not really" I reply as I stand
"Will you all exucse me" I say flatly and make my way to the guest room and lock the door firmly behind me"
"Ahh whats wrong with me? WHY DO I FEEL SO NUMB? NITTA,NITTA NITTA HER NAME AND HER FACE IS Flashing through my head CONSTANTLY WHY,WHY,WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME?" I speak out loud to my slef and freeze when there is a knock at the door.

"Drew what's wrong?" Jasons soft voice says in concern
"GO AWAY JASON" I shout back in annoyance
"Umm, you didn't eat your dinner whats wrong?" He almost pleads,I wait a couple of minute I open the door and give him the most hateful glare I could counjour causing a hint of fear in Jasons eyes and he squirmed slightly before he stept into the room.

"What do YOU want PEASANT " I ask in disgust
"I JUST WANT TO KNOW WHATS WRONG WITH YOU DREW" Jason shouts sounding angry
"Ugh I need to go I have more important things to deal with" I answers leaving the room and storming downstairs and out the front door, with Jason close on my heels.
"Where are you going?" Jason ask catching my hand in his stopping me
"To find my true love" I say as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

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