part 24

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Drew POV

Drew lays over Jasons body when he began to get a pain in his jaw that spread to his gums a coldness rushed through him anf his nails began to grow longer.

Drew backed away from Jasons body in fear he would hurt him "why Am I becoming a vampire again has the heavens answerd my inner prayer to save my soul mate" Drew whispered to himself he brings his fingers up to his mouth to feel his teeth and smiles when he feels his fangs "hello old friends" he laughs and taps his fangs joyfully before bending over and letting my sharp fangs puncture his soft flesh.

Drew pulls away before he begins to drink Jasons sweet lexurious blood he stands over Jasons limp body expectantly but Jason doesn't move panic seeps into his every cell of his being and he begins to pace and walk left and right.

Drew picks up Jasons body bridal style "only one person can save you my dear hopefully she is still alive" he whisper as he leaves a small kiss upon Jasons forehead.

Drew runs as quick as he could through the dark part of town (fleet street) and makes his way into the woods near his old house where he used to live, he makes it to a peach cottage he knocks on the door and takes a step back he begins to hear higheals tapping make their way nearer and nearer to the large wooden door until they stop and the door creaks open to reveal a short slim ink black haird woman with milk white skin, she grins up at him he baby blue eyes glowing with joy
"Hello come in I have been expecteing you for over a century Ra, come in come in and have some tea" she gestures.

Drew looks at her quizzically and steps in slowly "are you Miss Ruby Stone" he asks urgently
"I am, I am indeed and you want me to bring you sole mate back to life... BUT I warn you like I warned your father it doesn't always work" she says darkly
"Please just try" Drew pleads
"I shall do my best bring him over here" Ruby turns and Drew quickly follow she puls the table cloth of the table and Drew places Jason down carefully.

Ruby cuts of Jasons hoodie and stiches uo the wound the turns his body over then turns and grabs some wierd herbs from the cubourd behind her and places them into the wound then stiches that side up, Ruby quickly take out some blue and punk candles from the cubourd and begins to light them around Jasons body before she places her left hand over Jason wound and the right hamd over his forehead and closes her eyes and begins to whisper in greek.

After five minutes she opens her eyes which are glowing bright golden and her whispering has turned into endless chanting her nose dribbles with blood then her body colapses to the ground. "RUBY" Drew shouts and runs over to her side and helps her get back to her feet her eyes flutter open " have I done it?" She asks weakly and lookes over to Jason.

Drew leanes over the table and examines Jasons wound before his eyes its begins to glow a soft golden colour and heal into a scar Jasons eyes fly open glowing golden, the golden glow fades leaving Jasons usual hazal eyes the colour of saphire.
Drew stares in wonderment and Runy nudges himnout of the way with a huge grin plastered upon her face.

Jason sits up fast looking panicked
"Where am I?" He says in a panic
"Its ok your safe" Ruby replies softly
"Who are you?" Jason asks in confusion
"I am Ruby Stone and I just brought you back from the dead" she says proudly
"WHAT NO,NO,NO I DON'T WANT TO BE A VAMPIRE" Jason says freaking out
"No don't worry Jason you not a vampire. I like to call your kind the saphires" Ruby says joyfully
"Why?" Drew and Jason ask at the same time
"Duh can't you see how jasons eyes sparkle beautifully just like saphires" she says dreamily gazing into jasons eyes
"So am I basically a zombie does that mean I will eat brains" Jasons asks wide eyed
"No don't be so stereotypical. You will be just like your normal self apart from quick healing and not ageing sorta like a vampire;" she looks over to Drew " without craving blood" she raises an eyebrow.

Jason looks between Drew and Ruby
"I have a question Ruby. How come I became a vampire again without being bitten?" Drew asks ignoring Jasons shocked expression
"Well thays simple because your dad was a vampire and your mum was human so when your soul was placed into a human body your soul brought the vampire poison with it and that body adapted and became a vampire but you wont be a very strong one though. To be honest though its a very rare situation most vampires if placed into a new body would have to be bitten to become a vampire again" Ruby says flatly.
"Well thank you so much Ruby how may I repay you" Drew asks kindly
"You don't needto repay me think of it as a favour" she says solemnly.

Jason stood up wobbly and Drew warpped an arms around Jasons waist to steady him
"We should get going thanks Ruby" Jason says yawning
"It's fine bye boys" she says happily as they leave the room.

Lifeless Possession (BXB Completed)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant