part 22

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Elliot glared intensely at them for about five minutes before he huffed and decided to speak " look I have to be honest and say that I don't agree with this,... thing you to have going on and if it were up to me you to would be out of the house to fend for your selfs... but sice I can't do that you just have to know every day you are with him you become less of my son" Elliot said flatly.

"What?..." Jason gasps in shock and goes to speak but Drew intrfiers
"You sir should be ashamed of your self he is your SON you own flesh and blood. What you don't know is I remember a time I was like you and hated the homosexuals. But then one day I shockingly realised I fell in LOVE WITH YOUR SON, that day was the day I realised I became truly happy and it was Jaosns fault. If he can do that to me then you should be grateful that you know him and honoured that you helped put him on to this world because he is perfect and kind and caring and if you can't love every fiber of him and every quirk like his mother does then it should be you leaving not him." Drew snapped defencivly and placing protective arm around Jasons weast.
"Umm it is ok Drew he,he isn't kicking me out" Jason says calmly but with a hint of in deil in his tone.

The front door opens and in walks a now calm Zoe who goes straight upstairs and Dian who smile turns into a frown whem she feels the tention in the room.
"What happend Eliot?" Dian asks with her voice like gravel he looks away from her and stares at floor guiltily.
"Ugh I won't get a word from you will I. Just go get ready for bed you silly man" Dian says and pecks his cheeck "Love you to" Elliott replies as he stands and kisses his wife gently on the lips and she quickly kisses him back and pulls away. " I will see you up there suger" Eliot winks
"Sure hubby love you to" Dian replies back smiling and winks back.

Dian watches her husband leave the room before her facial expression turns serious again
"Ok spill what happend?" She asks seriously looking between the two boys.
Jason stands and slowly walks up to his mum "nothing, don't worry about" he mumbles and walks past her before jogging up the stairs to his room.

Drew stood to go after Jason then decided against it
" what happend was your husband said that everyday me and Jason are in a relationship Jason would become less of his son" Drew says sadly and in a rush before running past the know shocked Dian.

Drew gets ro Jasons bedroom door and goes to push it open only to fimd it locked "odd when did he bye a lock for his room" Drew mentally groans and begins to knock gently "Jason, Jason my love please answer its only me." Drew says placing his forehead against the cold wood of the door and waits a couple of minutes before he knocks again "I,I know there is nothing much I can do to help..." Drew begin but gets cut of by himslef begging to cry his knees give out beneath him and kneels in front of the door but leaves his forhead against the wooden door as if is his lifeline.

Dian comes up the stairs after half an hour and places a comforting hand upon Drews shoulder
"I will speak to Elliott he is so bloody stuborn" she says in a sympathetically and turns to go down the opposite side of the corridor.

Afrer hours which seem like weeks,
Drew knocks again "Jason I am here for you when you are ready to talk" his keens become sore so he decides to lean his back against it with his bodroom against th ground and began to doze.
"Hey" Drew hears a female voice which makes him jump he looks down the hall where he heard the sound and sees Zoe "Hey, Drew you should go to bed silly its the middle of the nigh and... your not a Vampire anymore silly" she whispers the last part.

Drew smiles in return and stands "Drew can I ask you something" she asks and stands in front of him "what happened whiles mum took me out?" Zoe asks in curiosity
"Nothing you need to worry about pricess" Drew replies whiles he bendsti pick her up and she lets him "you need to go back to bed" Drew says and carries her back ito her room and tucks her up into her bed. "Good night Drew and don't sleep in the hallway you will catch a cold. Also I am very happy for you and my brother" she says with a yawn
"Thanks, and good night princess" Drew replies shutting her bedroom door then sleepily makes his way to rhe guest room where he slumps into bed and falls into a wrestles sleep without Jason at his side.

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