part 13

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Jason and drew turned up to college an hour late so they signed in at the office and went straight for first lesson when they got there the class was leaving for an hour break and their tutor glared at them and made them stay to catch up with what they missed that lesson.
"I am sorry we missed your lesson Mr Mathews we went into town to a library to try and study before lesson for our next exam and lost track of time" Jason says inocently.
"Don't make excuses know SIT. Your both so lucky I am in a good mood" Mr Mathews replies sternly.
The two boys reluctantly sit down at a desk in front of their tutor and they quickly catch on what they missed.

The end of lessons flies by and before they know it they are walking sleepily down the corridor towards the front of the college when Drew saw art on one of the board down the opposite direction
"Drew come on ugh your seriously need to get going" Jason whines; Drew turns around and pouts " please Jay I just want a quick look at the art of today" Drew says softly putting on pubby face making his eyes as big as he could.
"Awh ok then a quick look the we go straight for the bus home." Jason says a sternly as he could.
"Yay" Drew chears clapping his hands
"They go straight down the art corridor looking at all the paintings hung up on the walls.

Jason checks his watch after a whiles then breaths out a curse before grabbing Drew hand and bolting for the front of the college.
"We have three minutes to catch the bus. I KNEW I SHOULDN'T HAVE LISTEND TO YOUR STUPID IDEA TO LOOK AT ART" Jasons shouts dragging Drew through the college corridor when the reach the parking lot they see the busses leaving.
"Great this is just great" Jason says sarcastically whiles kicking a pebble
"What's great? I think this is bad very bad. Oh well lets walk it will be more fun anyway" Drew says with a smile.

Jaosn phones his mum and dads mobiles a couple of times before giving up and tries texting them but they wouldn't send. He sighs as he remembers he ran out of texts.
"I can't believe this happened I have never missed the bus not once" Jason says stomping his feet in the direction towards home.

They made it to town and passed a few shops when Jason heard Drew squeal.
"What is it this time? Your really starting to bug me today. And i just want to go home my feet are killing me and am hungry" Jason says as he rubs his temples.
"Is that one of thouse shops that sells animals you humans buy animals as pets" Drew says with a wide grin.
"We can visit it tomorrow. Can we please get home before it gets dark" Jason says with anger seeping into his voice.

Drew runs into the shop and Jason debates whether he should just ditch Drew and go home before thinking better of himself and sulking into the shop.

When he goes in he here Drew speaking to a girl with a familiar voice he goes further in to see Drew speaking to Nitta.
"I ask again Nitta what are you doing here?" Drew asks bitterly
"It really is none of your business but can't you tell by my uniform I work here" she replies with fake cheeriness in her tone.
"Why?" Jason asks confused as tries not to glare
"Its because dad owns this place its how we get are food. Also I am grounded so I am doing free labour know buy something or go away I don't have time for pests" Nitta replies calmly.
"You EAT the bunnies" Ra says in horror standing in front of the animal cage.
"Your one to judge you eat humans" Nitta replies in a bitter laugh
"Human aren't cute" Drew says in defence.
"Whatever view and leave I need to lock up" Nitta says as she checks her watch.

They quickly look at the bunnies and other things Drew thought were cute before they thrown out of the shop by an ill patient Nitta before sloely making their way home.
By the time they made it home it was half past eight and Jason was ready for bed and far past hungry.
"Where HAVE you been" Jasons mum screams as soon as they take a step through the front door.

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