part 8

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Jason stares at what he thinks is Drew with a shocked expression
"Your not Drew are you... is he still in there" Jason asks slowly
"No sadly he isn't sadly he has passed" Ra says in an upset tone
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN PASSED... he,he can't be hes the same age as me and my only friend I,I...." Jasons knees gave out beneath him and tears fell slowly down his face.

Ra looked down at Jason and felt as though a piece of his heart had broke; Ra slowly sat up and made his way out from the bed testing out his new body he knelt in front of Jason and wrapped his arms around Jasons slim waist as Jason began to sob quitely "Jason listen... I, I will be your friend stop crying" Ra said soothingly not being able to cope seeing Jason crying he tightly closed his eyes and realised he is crying aswell he hugged Jason closer.

A long loud beebing sound made them Jump and at that moment a nurse came running in and she stared down at them and said in a high pitched sound "Mr Carter your awake but please stay in your bed we need to examine you to make sure your better" A couple of nurses came into the room to help Ra get back into the bed and as he sat down Jasons mum and sister, Zoe came rushing into the room.
"Drew" Jasons mum exclaimed Jason mum.
"How many ti..." Jason elbowed him.
"I dont know mum; It was really wierd. He just woke up; Didn't you Drew?" Jason looked at Ra
"Uhh, yeah I just woke up" Ra looked at Jason confused.

A nurse came in and looked at Jasons mum " we will have to keep Drew overnight after all the results have come back we also give him a CT scan to check for other inturnal injuries" the nurse replies professionally
"Yeah thats fine" mum replies.

She goes up to Drews side
"This will sting a little Drew but please stay still I just need to take a blood sample" she leaves the room for a moment and returns with a little see through pack with a needle and syringes she quickly tighs a rope on the top of Ra arm and his eyes become dark in fear.

She gently feels his arm and insurts the needle Ra flinches slightly and he looks away after a moment she quickly puts some cotton on his arm and unties the rope.
"All done you were very brave" she says with a smile and leaves the room.

After an hour a doctor comes into the room " If its ok with you all we will have to take Drew to have his CT scan know" he says flatly we all leave the room and wait in the family area.
"What is a CT scan" Ra asks curiously
"Its so we can have detaild images of the inside of your body" rhe doctor replies
"Cool" Ra sounds in awe.

We go into the waiting area and stay there for about half an hour before we are alowed to go back and see Drew. We talk about random subjects for which seems forever untill a nurse peeks in "we will have to ask you all to leave know because visiting hours are very sorry"

We all go home and have supper I quickly eat and brush my teeth and try but fail many times to sleep.

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