part 3

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Two weeks later

"So Jason. Your mother tells me that you have not been yourself recently." The therapist was sat across from the teenage boy.
"She tells me it started after a young slayer got back from their first hunt?"
Jason stared blankly ahead, not making eye contact with the man opposite him.
"They killed me." He whispered, "She staked me and then cursed my body."
"Nobody killed you Jason. Your here talking to me." The therapist says confused

"My name is not JASON. They call me Ra I once was a great vampire the greatest one of the century, everyone feared my name they would cry at the sound of my voice i was so evil even the other vampires feared my power and now look at me i have to posses a pathetic human just to travel."
"Jason, Ra has been dead for centuries."
"You foolish human. That is what I have been saying! She killed me! And now I seek revenge! I want revenge on those who took part in my murder!"
"DO NOT CALL ME JASON!" He shouted again.
"Okay, okay. Ra. How can I help you? Do you need help moving on?" The therapist asks professionally
"I do not need your help. Pathetic mortal! You can not help me. And I told you what I want. I want revenge on those who are responsible for my death unless you can help me find who did this to me" he motions with his hands to his face "then i will be happy but if you can't then you can leave me be you pathetic waste of humanity" Ra stands and goes to leave
"wait...J- Ra I will try and help since it my job to help you pass your emotional trauma"
"Fine how will you help me" Ra says sarcastically
"I can do research on whos done this to you do you have any information to help me"
"It was a young female slayer because I am a gentleman I had my guard down she KILLED me and cursed my body since it a stupid slayer tradition for your first slay so I STAYED in this world and when this idiot Jason put my skull back on to my body I somehow ended up possessing him" Ra says angrily flaying around
"Ok Ra umm I would need more information than that I need any names"
"NAMES how do YOU expect me to remember names after one thousand years of being dead but i remember one name and thats Nitta Kira"

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