part 18

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Drew POV

Drew ran of the bus to college exited to start the day he turned to see Jason not to far behind him; Jason got to the steps of the bus when a girl hurried past him. Drew watched in horror as Jason fell roughly against the curb "Jason are you okay?" Drew says loudly in worry and runs towards Jason to help him slowly get back up onto his feet. "I am fine Drew just a few cuts and scrapes" Jason replies in a strained tone and brings his hand to his chest protectively and hisses slightly.

"No Jason you need to see a doctor your nose is bleeding" Drew replies and takes a tissue from a pack in his pocket "your so lucky I brought these. You don't know how many times in the past these would have been handy" Drew carries on in a worried tone and begins to gently dab Jasons bloody nose.
"There is no doctor here there is a nurse and I am not going I am fine" Jason whines and stamps his foot childishly
"Oh my god your lip is bleeding to and you have a cut on your chin" Drew says inspecting Jasons face by grabbing ether side of the other boys head and turning it side to side amd begins dabbing Jasons cut lip and scraped chin
"Stop it Drew seriously I am fine" Jason says pulling away and storming of
"No your not you need to see the nurse" Drew says chasing after Jason and grabbing Jasons hand pulling him back.

Jason yelps loudly and Drew quickly lets go
"I,I am so sorry Jay I didn't know are you ok did hurt you" Drew stammers and quickly forces Jason into a hug. Jason hugs wraps his arm around Drews neck leaving his hurt hand by his side " fine then I will see the nurse if it means you will get of my back" Jason replies leaning back and pecking Drews cheek leaving a little blood there which he wipes of with his thumb.

They make their way to the nurses office and knock on the door lightly a woman replies
"Come in" she calls and the two boys enter. Drew gasps "a woman doctor what an age this is" Drew says wide eyed. The nurse looks at him in confusion " shut it" Jason says with a smile and nudges Drew who glares at Jason with questioning look in his eyes. "Its normal so don't become all sexiest" Jason mumbles and the two boys begin a mumbled argument about gender equality.

The nurse clears her throat after a couple of minutes of patiently waiting "boys how can I help you" she says loudly causing the to boys jump apart and blush. The nurse smiles kindly "How can I help you both" she repeats
"Jason fell down the steps of the bus and is injured quite server and we need a professional doctor to take a look at him" Drew replies before Jason could have a say.

Jason sighs and gives the nurse an apologetic look before sitting on a chair across from her and he tells hee whats wrong and she wipes his face with antibacterial wipes and puts a plaster in his chin befoee giving him an ice pack for his nose and bandageing his wrist and giving him an ice pack for that and sending them both away.

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