part 12

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Before Jason could ask what was wrong he was of in a flash again.
"Drew where are you going ugh" Jason shouted in confusion as he ran after him when he caught up they where in the senter of town he saw Drew pinning a young female with bright ginger hair up against a wall by her neck.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE NITTA?" Drew yells at her anger filling his voice. She laughs at him and squeezez his wrists Drew screams and lets go of her. Nitta quckly let's go of Drews wrist and smirks at him
"Hello Ra it's been a long time; I guess someone finally was stupid enough to let you out to play." Nitta purrs stroking his cheeks forcing Drew to look into her eyes.
"You smell better in a human body" her eyes glow red.

Drew stared into her eyes and froze in place "why did I look into her eyes its the oldest trick in the book female vampires ise on us men to hypnotise and they freeze in place Ugh I am gonna die" Drew said mentally since his lips couldn't move.

Jason stood staring at the beautiful girl with the red shiny hair she cupped Drew cheecks as if she had missed him and at that moment jer blue eyes seemd to shine before they turned red and Jason gut clenched and he froze in place.
She smiled, he was taken aback by the long, sharp, fangs. They glistened slightly in the sunshine as she spoke
"I have always wanted to do this to you" Nitta purred slowly bringing her fangs down against Drew neck.

Jason heard the sound of foot steps from behind him then he heard a males voice
"NITTA STOP RIGHT THIS SECOND" The males voice roared. Nitta fangs inserted back into her gums and her eyes turned back into their original colour again
"Daddy seriously I am not allowed a snack after all theese years" Nitta whined.

I felt my body losen up again and I turned to see the priest standing there stiffly " good afternoon Jason" the priest gtreeted as he passed Jason to get to his daughter.
"YOU SAID SHEEE" Drew said pointing a finger at Nitta face;" WAS DEAD" Nitta glares ay Drew.
"And she is" the priest noddes in conformation
"Does SHE look DEAD" Drew replies loudly Chesters towards Nitta.

"I am a vampire Ra you now what one of thouse are right"Nitta joins the conversation
"Of course I do and also my name is Drew now not Ra; I changed my name to signal a new beginning in my life as a human" Drew replies briskly
"Oh I can sort out that human bit for you" Nitta growls and within a blink of an eyes Nitta grabs Drew around the neck.
"NITTA STOP THIS" Jason screams in horror.
"Oh and you think a little boy like yourself can stop me" Nitta purrs as her eyes glow red again. Jason closes his fast eyes instinctively so he wouldn't be frozen.

Drew couldn't move any of his body but he hasn't seen a priest angry before but it was a sight to behold.
"NITTA" The priest voice echoed across the hole town causing random citizens to stop in their tracks to stare. "How DARE you DISOBEY ME" he growled loudly and his eyes glowing blood red and sharp fangs sparkled as he spoke.

Nitta flinched away dropping Drew back onto the ground; Drew fell onto his knees but quickly caught his footing and ran towards Jason who he hugged "Jason you can open your eyes" Drew whispered in Jasons ear. Jasons eyes fly open.

Drew and Jason jump when they hear Nitta scream
"We are Christians and that means we don't murder anyone" the priest replys calmly.

"We better get to college Drew" Jason says in a hurry with worried expression he slips his hand in Drews instinctively and he quickly turns and goes into a fast sprint dragging Drew behind him.

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