part 4

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The therapist took Ra to a church "I know right, is he stupid?" But he kept saying that the person Ra was about to meet may be able to answer some questions.

Ra stayed outside the wall of the chruch graveyard because he didn't want to enter in fear he would turn to ash or aromatically be exercised out of Jason's body. "Well hey I am having fun being able to walk around and see what these pathetic humans have done over the years, so I am not going to fall for any sort of trick to get this new body killed" Ra thought to himself as he leaned against the church wall tapping his foot unpaittiently.

After what almost seemed like forever the therapist came back with a tall, thin pale man with light brown hair that had few gray streaks in it following him. A strangely familiar looking man; It wasn't until they both walked through the gates of the cemetery that he realised exactly who the priest was.
"You?" Ra hissed.
"Good evening child. Mr Caffery tells me that I may be able to help you find someone." The old man spoke in a soft voice.
"I don't need help from you! This is your fault! You stupid pathetic man" He shouted.
"You must have me confused with another person." The priest says defensively
"I do not forget! It was her who did this to me! You idiot of a daughter its Her fault that I died in the first place! I mean I bit her father! So what? I'm a vampire! It's in our nature! It's what we do! But with you It's not like all humans go around with a thirst to stab people in the heart and curse their dead bodies!" Ra ranted.

A look of confusion passed over the priests face before recognition washed over.

"Ahh. It's you. I didn't recognise you. You have a different face. It is you isn't it? Ra? The vampire who changed me." The priest says in wonder.
"Of course it's me. And yes I have a different face. And it's YOUR fault you stupid man." Ra shouts and pins the priest up to the wall by the coller of his shirt.
"My fault?" Questioned the priest as he tried to losen Ras grip.
"Yes. You have a very angry daughter, by the way that stupid bitch did this to me and one way or another she will pay for what shes done." Ra whispers threateningly
"Ah. My daughter died many years ago unfortunately ." He replied solemnly.
"Right. Well, thats good I hope she died more painfully than me that illiterate pice of trash. But I send my condolences to her since she is where she belongs. Anyway back to the real issue, yes this is all your fault! You need to do something about it! Now!" Ra snapped.

"There is nothing I can do Ra unfortunately you will have to just die I wont be able to give you your old body back but if you want your own body you will have to posses a body whiles it is dyeing you will only have a short time to posses that body other wise it wont work" the priest says professionally
"How am I meant to find someone dyeing they don't wonder on the streets the way they used to in the good old days these modern days everyone is healthy" Ra whines
"Hospitals will probably have dyeing patients you will be able to find someone somewher" the priest says backing away.

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