part 5

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Ra rolled his eyes as he pulled his jacket closer to his body trying to fight of the cold. What the hell is this? Stupid pathetic human body. Getting cold. He sighed when a ringing noise came from him back pocket. He looked around confused.
"Hello?" He shouted out confused.
My phone. It's my phone. You have to answer it. A voice inside his head spoke suddenly.
"Oh. It's you." He spoke recognising the voice as the one who owned the body. He reached behind him and pulled out the phone, staring at it confused. Oh my god! Dude, press the green button, hold it to your ear and speak. Ra hesitantly raised the phone to his ear.
"Hello?" He asked into the speaker.
"Jason!" Shouted a small electronic voice startling Ra. He gasped and dropped the phone on the floor staring at the strange object which was still shouting at him. Dude! You just dropped my phone! The voice spoke again.
"It spoke to me!?" The phone didn't speak to you idiot! It was my mum. Pick it up and speak to her!
"Okay! Okay! Sheesh. Calm down." Ra replied as he bent down and picked up the phone warily.
"Jason! Jason you answer me right now young man!" The electronic voice was still droning on.
"Umm...hi...mother?" Ra spoke unsurely into the phone.
"Jason. Where are you? Are you on your way home? Dinner is ready and it is getting cold." The voice baffled on.
"Uhh...." Tell them that I will be there soon. Directed the voice in his head again.
"I will be there soon. Goodbye." And with the final words he put the phone back in his pocket. Hang up.
You need to hang up. Just press the red button.
Ra pulled the phone back out of his pocket and looked down at the screen. He pushed the red button with his finger, looking amazed as the screen went black again.
"Bazaar human invention. Why would you want your mother inside this strange thing?"
She isn't in the phone she- you know what, never mind, it's magic.
"Obviously, I am not an idiot, human. I know sorcery when I see it." Ra snapped.
I have a name you know. If you are going to use my body the least you could do is call me by it instead of calling me human all the time.
"Okay then fine. What is your name?" He asked.
You've been in my body for two weeks and you still haven't picked up on my name? Do you even listen?
"Only to clever people. You and all of you friends seem to be stupid, so I ignore you." Ra said simply.
Jason. My name is Jason.
"Okay then Jason." Ra spoke snarlingly.

After a while Ra had finally turned up at the house the boy lived at. As he opened the door he was greeted to the sound of crying. A woman ran straight into his arms.
"Oh Jason, honey! Something awful had happened!" She sobbed. "Honey, Drew has been in a car crash."
"Is it bad? " Ra asks curiously and nudged her off
"His parents died instantly he is in critical condition" his mum sobs and grabs what she thinks is her son into a tight hug Ra nudges her away lightly and goes upstairs.
Ra you have to save him please he is my best friend? Jason says desperately.
"Why should I! I never knew him and from your memories of him he is very unkind to your younger sister. He is not a gentle man! He has no respect for women! He doesn't deserve to live." Ra replied as he got to the top of the stairs
Please Ra he isn't a bad guy Jason pleads
"Now if you don't mind I am going to sleep. So shut up" Ras tone chamges to one of annoyance as he enters the bedroom.

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