part 21

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I raised one eyebrow at Drew expectantly but he just stood there frozen he stepped away from me and presses the left side with his right arm and bows to me with his left arm slight extended in my direction he gently takes my right hand into his left and places a small kiss against my knuckles
"I have a long time been broiling on the flames of ardent sinful affection towards your dear self." Drew says sounding under a spell and his green eyes gaze longingly into mine
"I don't understand what your saying Drew" Jason says with a smile amused
Drew replies woth a loving shy smile "Sweet Jason, your virtues have so strangely taken up my thoughts, that therein they encrease and multiply in abundant felicity"
"Haha uhh are you trying to ask me out or something" Jason laughs
"Umm if that's what this generation calls courting then indeed" Drew says in confusion and stands straight
"Yes Drew of course I will ya donk" Jason squeles in glee and dives on Drew causing them both to fall against the floor Jason smashes his lips against Drews for another passion filled kiss.

Jason pulls away after five minutes when his stomach begins to make complaining noises
"I am starving lets go get food before its all gone" Jason whispers
"Yep a meal is in order" Drew yawns as he stands
"Haha you've gone seriously old fashioned" Jason giggles and pecks Drew lips gently.

They get down stairs and all eyes turn to them for a moment as they sit down at the table on the last two empty chairs.
"Five minutes you said you will be its been about half an hour know and both of your food is cold. Also you two made one hell of a racket seriously what was that loud squeal sound then a crash it was like a minny war up there it nearly gave me a heart attack really Jason do you want to kill your Mum" Dian says as she eats a pice of lasagna
"YEAH Drason what was that noise up there" Zoe chimes in
"It was just Jason being exited because I,I .... think the word is for this generation asked him out" Drew says unsure.

As soon as those words left Drews lips Jason spat out his water he'd just put into his mouth and gasped and Zoe squealed loudly jumping from her chair
"OH MY GOD ITS HAPPED THE SHIP SAILED" Zoe screames on top of her lungs and begins to hyperventilate.
"What ship?....Are we travelling somewhere?.Why are we using a boat?. I get seasick if I should inform you" Drew says in a panic and stares at everyone one at a time.
"Drew we aren't travelling don't panic" Jason says blushing deeply and squeezes Drews hand under the table and tries to act casual.

Dian smiles at them both lovingly
"I happy for you both even if Elliott here seems to just not understand it" Dian says and nudges the frozen man next to her making him jump slightly and turn his glare from his dinner plate at her, Dian glares at him back with a fire in her eyes and he flinches and looks back at his food
"I have no words boy's do whatever you want your mother is the boss around here" Elliot sulks and Dian places a kiss upon his cheek
"Just keep the door open if you want to share a room no naughty business till you move out and I am sure your dad will be happy" Dian says looking between them both of them.

Jason coughs "mum we.."
"We will wait till marriage ma,am I can assure you that your son will be safe" Drew cuts in and looks over at the wide eyed Jason
"Awh Drew shutup" Jason whispers loudly and covers his face with is hands.
"IS THIS HAPPENING" Zoe says loudly whiles gasping for air "I can't breath oh my god" she says and tears begin to fall down her pink cheeks
"Oh my Zoe dear lets take you outside for air" Dian says escorting her daughter outside  leaving Elliott alone with Drew and Jason.

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