part 10

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Jason slightly wakes from a nightmare and feels a warmth beside him that's comforting he snuggles up to it and enjoys the new sent and sensation and quickly falls back asleep until something moves and wraps around his waste.

Jasons eyes fly open and he sees Ra next to him in bed shock causes him to jump and a small scream leaves his mouth as he feels himself fall from the bed Ra quickly sits up and wraps his arms around Jasons waist preventing Jason from falling any further.

The door opens and Jasons mum stpes in "Ja... I am sorry I should have knocked... umm" she closes the door and Jason and Ra hear her footsteps go down the corridor.
"What are you doing here Ra?" Jason demands and steps out of the bed
"You can call me Drew I am fine with that. And I felt lonely and I couldn't sleep" Ra replies flatly
"Well you cant just sneek into people's beds especially mine" Jason says feeling his face heat up so he deliberately turns away "why do I feel so embarrassed all of a sudden" Jason thinks to himself.

Ra slowly gets out from the bed "I am sorry" he says as he exists the room and goes into the spare room and picks up his jeans from the spare room then going into the bathroom and taking a shower.

Meanwhile Jason crouches on the floor beside his bed and cradles his head in his hands "what just happend to me why am I so embarrassed. It's not like anything happend between us... how will I ever face him know... should I have acted differently laughed it off maybe, pretended he wasn't there or hugged him back I wonder how that would have turned out... NO,NO hell No dont think of that... hugh" Jason breaths out heavily before standing up and begging to get changed slowly "ok... time for breakfast" Jason says to himself in the mirror.

Jason got down stairs to see his mum standing by he stove with Ra teaching him to make omelettes and he was not, as of yet, looking very successful. Jason cleared his throat causing Ra to jump.
"Jason! I didn't see you there." Ra stared at Jason and Jason's mum looked between the two boys.
"Drew, honey, can I have a word with you please?"
"Mum!" Protested Jason.
"I wasn't talking to you Jason watch the omelettes. Drew?"
"Umm...yeah, okay." And then Ra followed Jasons mum out of the room.

"Look Drew. Whatever that is going on with you and my son is none of my business. But I hope you both know that you can tell me anything. And that I have to tell you that if you hurt my son-"
"Wait! Nononono! You have this all wrong. We didn't-! I didn't-! I'm not gay." And just as he said that who other than Jason walked into the room.
"What are you guys talking about?" He asked suspiciously.
"I was just telling Drew that if you have anything to tell me you can. And I will love you Jason. No matter what."
"Ookay? Thanks, I think?" He turned to Ra, "come on, R-drew," Jason corrected himself, "we are going into town today."

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