Part 6- The next day

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Ra sits at the breakfast table and Jasons mum places a bowl of cearial in front of him
"What is this?" Ra asks suspiciously
"Its honey puffs you have had it nearly everyday for breakfast" Jason mum replies with a frown.
Ra stares at the cereal distrustful look and pushes it away from him.
Jason laughs "really wow just try it its nice trust me"
Ra obeys the annoying voice in head and takes a mouthful of cearial
"It is nice" Ra says out loud in surprise
"Yeah silly it is your favourite cereal. And when do you want to visit Drew in the hospital I am going that way to go to work and to drop Zoe at school" mum says nostalgically.

Ra doesn't reply and puts another mouthful of cereal into his mouth
"Please can we go today I need to see if he is ok hes my best friend...And remember what the priest said the other day about if you want your own body you need a dyeing body and you have certain amout of time to possess it."
"For goodness sake your iratating. Also Drew isn't dyeing he is just in critical condition" Ra replies as he shovels a mouth full of Cearial into his mouth
"Your not my brother and why do you keep talking to yourself or saying random stuff out loud?" Zoe asks as she eats her cearial
"Sorry princess I just hear voices... And your a very wise young lady to see that I am not your brother but he is still here inside this body and i would like to say he thinks highly of you" Ra replies solemnly.
"Jason have you made up your mind to visit Drew" mum calls from up stairs
"Yeah I decided to and go and visit him"

We get to a building that has a sign saying Carlo Hospital and go through giant doors and get to a brightly lit waiting area and a reception desk on the far left of the room.
"What is that smell?" Ra asks scrunching up is nose in distaste
"sanatiser and cleaning chemicals" Jason replies flatly
"its disgusting" Ra replies.

We go to the desk and ask which room Drew Carter is in I also state say my name and to the male behind the desk who repiles in a professional tone "you will have to wait here and I will get a doctor to see you to the family room in ICU floor 3 room 14 the doctor will explain there in private Drews situation."

The doctor arrives and after five minutes he takes them to the family room where they sit as the doctor explains that Drew has cracked skull and spraned rib cage hes jas broken his leg and spine and has not long come out of surgery.

Ra could tell that Jason became upset and Ra has an attempt at comforting him.
"I know how you feel, my mother died when I was six from the common cold there was nothing the Doctor could do to save her after that my father became an alcoholic and then died of liver failure when I was age ten. Not long after me and my sister were moved home from home until we eneded up at our aunts and uncles who hated us" Ra says sadly.

"hahah The common cold isn't serious haha" Jason said amused.
"Maybe not now. Look at the state of your friend and he seems to be alive. But it killed my mother." Ra snapped.
"Sorry" Jason whisperd.

Ra stood there in silence watching the broken and bruised boy being forced to breath due to a tube pumping air into his lungs.
"Jason, honey, it's time to leave now." His mum spoke popping her head around the corner. Without another word Ra walked out of the room and Jason was unusually quite.

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