part 25

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Nitta POV

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Nitta POV

Nitta stormed home boiling with anger and jealousy over her beloved Ra being with that pathetic disgusting waist of life Jason.

She slams the garage door shut and began to get to work she put red candles in a circle and begin to light them she places some of Ras hair in the center of the circle and the necklace he gave all those long years ago.

She slams the garage door shut and began to get to work she put red candles in a circle and begin to light them she places some of Ras hair in the center of the circle and the necklace he gave all those long years ago

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She quickly grabbed petals from the roses from the garden a stripped the petals of and ground them and placed them in a heart around his hair and the necklace.

And then grabbed her red leather spell book and flipped through the pages till she found the one she had been looking for the page of love spells and rituals.

And then grabbed her red leather spell book and flipped through the pages till she found the one she had been looking for the page of love spells and rituals

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Nitta read through it over and over to make sure she memoried it then went to the centre of the circle and began the to chant the spell.

The candles flames on the candles burnt brightly to her response and she closed her eyes and pictured Ra handsome face in her head as she spoke.

The candles flames on the candles burnt brightly to her response and she closed her eyes and pictured Ra handsome face in her head as she spoke

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An ye harm none, do what ye will. And what ye send fourth do come back to thee. So ever mind the law of three. Ye shall follow me with ue mind and hear sould and mind. Merry me meet and merry ye part.

I cast this circle around my heart so love I shall never live without.

I ask for this aloud and bold so my love shall hear my call. This circle shall find ye and bring ye to me Ra be his name and ye shall be brought to your knees and be mine forever and forever yours I shall be.

Please my circle of love and power bring thee my love for my love is the only person, I trust ther so much I trust ue with my heart and soul but ue loves another.

Please remember my deeds since I must improve sincerely, my only love Ra is perfect but I shall improve for ye.

Remeber me circle since I must hurry and finde the one I speak of so dearly.

Nitta blew out the candles thanking her circle as shewent along and thenput her necklace back on before leaving to go and find Ra.

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