part 19

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Jason got home after a long day at college his wrist still ached and he had a headache from listening to Drew go on and on about his wrist and how he needs to see a male professional doctor.

They both walked through the front door and into the kitchen to see Jasons mum slaving over the stove she looks over to them with a smile witch quickly leaves her face when she sees Jasons beat up face
"Deary me boy what happend?" she says in shock
"It's nothing really" Jasons says shrugging
"No Dian its not nothing your son sorry to say this to to you mam but your son is lying to you. Jason fell from the bus steps and seriously injured his wrist and is refusing to get medical treatment" Drew says sternly.

Dian walks over to her son and gtabs him ether side of the head with her hands and starts turning his face left and right inspecting it
"oh dear you may need stiches on that lip" Drew stands by her and starts to help inspect Jason " yeah his poor face has been through a war" Drew says pouting
"Please let go mum" Jason sau prying his head from her hands.

Dian turns of the stove and grabs her jacket from the chair
"Move your small butt to the car Jasom you going to see a doctor" she ushers the two boys from the kitchen and out the front door then she turns goes to the stairs
"ZOE COME DOWN DEAR YOUR BROTHER NEEDS TO GO TO THE DOCTORS SO GET YOUT BOTTOM INTO THE CAR" she scream loudly for all the neighbours to hear the grabsher keys and sits behind the wheel as Jason slumbs into the back seat and leans his head against the window after shutting the door.

Zoe runs down the stair with her Ipod and her earphones and screams "SHOTGUN" on the top of her lungs and sprints to the car for the front seat only to see Drew there
"What I am sure I said shotgun first" Zoe whines and gors to sit onto the backseat
"So what happend Jason" Zoe asks a know very quiet Jason
"Nothing bad just being forced to go to the doctors when I am perfectly fine" Jasons says sulkely and pouts
"Whatever; whenever you say that your actually very ill so stop complaining and just roll with it" Zoe says putting in her earphone.

Dian quickly starts the engine, half way there Jason fell asleep and and when he opend his eyes the were turning into the hospital
"Seriously guy's can we please go home I am fine" Jason complains
Drew and Dian turn at the same time and say "NO" loudly in unison they both make eyes contact for a moment and begin to laugh.
"Ugh fine christ don't go all loud on me I have a headache as it is Jesus" Jason says and places his hand over his ears.

Drew looks at Jason in concern "why did I let this happen to him my poor angel I should have caught him when he fell. Then his beautiful face wouldn't be wounded and he wouldn't be having a strop right now he would be smiling and laughing oh how I love his laugh its the most beautiful thing I have ever heard..." drew gets dragged from his thoughts when someone slaps the back of his head.
"Stop undressing my son with your eyes and get out of the car" Dian says sternly and turns of the engine
"I was doing no such thing" Drew says rubbing the back of his head.

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