Chapter 2~ The names...

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I bolt up as I put my hand to my throat.

Dream, just a dream.

I tell myself, swallowing my saliva to help my dry throat, most of that 'dream' was true. I remember that attack so well, I remember how I made it out, as I believe and hope my best friend did. No one else that I know of though, including my parents. Those two I believe I saw die with my own eyes... my dad I know I did, my mom, I'm not so sure...

Besides I was only... 16, I was 16 then. And of course today is the worst day of the year, my 18th birthday. Today's my 'special day' and yet I'm still forced to go to my personal hell, also known as school.

I used to get in a new fight everyday, always over something stupid of course. Not allowed to now, not with boss lady around, my boss at work and at home.

She's an old woman of course, most people hate her, to be honest, and I think that's why I love her old bossy ass.

Looking over I growl, 'Shit! 4:58' I have to wake up soon, I don't feel like it now though. Rolling over I nestle into the covers to try to sleep again.

My ears twitch as I hear her waddling her way on to my room and I growl quietly to myself.

"Wake up! I told you to wake up at 4!"

'Goddamnit boss lady'

Now this lady may be like the grandma I never had, but she is a pain in my ass.

I get up and look at the clock, by now it's 4:15- how the hell did that come so quickly? It was 4:58 two seconds ago...

Sighing I tumble from the bed and lay face down on the ground, groaning, "Ok, ok I'm up!"

I get out of bed do my routine and I'm dressed, in less than thirty mins.

Throwing on a leather jacket that fades from a red dark red to a purple I put on some sunglasses as well, black leggings get thrown on after so I can have some movement while at my own little skate park.

I practice skateboarding to help wake me up and soon enough, too soon if anything, it's 5:45 and boss lady calls me in. Her names actually Mary but boss lady's more fun. She has gray hair and brown eyes, the kind of brown eyes that remind you of freshly baked brownies or pippin' hot hot cocoa.

She has pancakes and bacon on plates, leaning against the counter as she sits we eat. She looks at me and when she has my attention starts to talk.

"My grandsons coming here, so are a few of his members." She said with a small smile.

I look up at her after taking another bite of bacon, "Why?" I ask with a small huff.

"Well it's because he's an Alpha, and his Beta and Delta are coming along as well, they have to find their mates, except for the beta of course, a d you still haven't found yours correct?" I shake my head no.

Immediately her smile brightens, "Well neither has he" she winks and I catch on.

"Hold on- hell to the no!" She scolds me.

"Well why the hell not?" She asks mockingly.

"I don't want a mate, they cause too much pain, plus you take em back when they say the fake-ist sorry in the world!" She laughs.

"I gotta go."

"No, I'll call in saying your sick."

"Lying, I like it." I chuckle in response.

"No we have to help him and his friends unpack and you will get love sick over him so it's not lying." She chuckles as I roll my eyes.

"They're not staying here... Right?" I question, to which her smile brightens yet again.

"Sweetie this is a mansion of course he is, there's plenty of room after all." She giggles.

"Fine, what pack."

"Cupcake Pack." She replies to which I laugh, that's not a pack of course, but it's what I like to call the strongest pack. Their warriors are no match for me, which doesn't surprise me considering how fast I am and how strong as well though you wouldn't be able to tell because I don't have big and broad muscles.

"Ok then." I say with a small smile I'm still trying to hide.

"They wanna recruit Silver Fang."

My mouths hurts from how it just hit the floor, "You didn't say anything did you?"

"I said I know 'him'." Then she winks and I sigh with relief.

"But you have to show them who you are, only them though." To which I nod and finish up eating.

Going back outside to skateboard I've gotten quite good.

I don't see as they come out and watch me though, I flip in the air and slide down the ramp to the other side. Going up on the metal pole with one hand, I want to test how long I can hold myself but I'm startled by Mary's yelp.

Mary is horrified I can tell, I hear it in her voice. "Come down before you hurt yourself, you don't even have a helmet!" I flip down and skate to in front of her and step on one end of the board so I can grab the other end and tuck it beneath my arm.

"Come on Mary, I'm just havin fun, and helmets aren't my thing, I like hoods" I say pointing to the one I currently had on, "That's my helmet" I chuckle and in my mind I'm just waiting for it.


"How could you do that!" And there it is, "Hoods don't protect you! What if you got hurt, your like my only family that sticks around!" She says crossing her arms after poking her grandson who then growls.

I hadn't even noticed them back here but finally I take notice to the familiar smelling female, "Who you?... Ah right, the betas mate correct?"

She nods, "The names Alisandra." She says with a soft smile, making me freeze as I'm pulled into a flashback.

"I'm an outcast aren't I?" I ask looking up to my kindergarten teacher.

"No one ever wants to play or anything." I look down at my feet.

"I'll play with ya! The names Alisandra." She smiles holding out her hand.

"Hi, th-the names Skyler!... Are we best friends?" I ask as she pretends to think about it.

I start to deflate until a happy, "Yes" is said and she smiles so widely to me. And for the first time at school, I smile, right back at her.

I realize I just stared at her for like five minutes but I couldn't help it, rushing over I grab her and pull her into a hug, holding her against me. I close my eyes as I take in her scent, "The names Skyler, are we best friends?"

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