Chapter 21- JA

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"Aren't you home?" I ask and he nods.

"Yes, my home is with you, so we're going to our house" he says and I nod as we go to a car and he drives us home.
When we get home he parks and I climb out going inside, Ace following.

I go to the living room and try to lay down but Ace picks me up laying down and placing me on his chest. I roll my eyes and lay my head on his chest.

I almost fall asleep but he moves and get up picking me up and I hop out of his arms going up to my room.

I get there first and turn around stopping him, "I'm gonna change to some pajamas and I suggest you do too" I say and he nods as I go in the room and he follows.

I turn towards him, "go change" I say and he smirks, "I'm changing in here, this is our room now" he says and takes his shirt off.

I roll my eyes and push him out the door shutting it and locking it.

He whimpers and I smile as I change into a tank top and some sports.

I open the door and he's waiting by the railing with some shorts on, "ok you can go to your house now" I say.

He smirks, "this is my house baby girl, our house" he says coming to me and kissing me.

I gently push him away and turn off the light hoping on the bed, snuggling into my pillow.

I feel arms pull me to a chest, I turn towards him. "Ace back up" I say and he nods scooting not even a centimeter away.

I roll my eyes and turn back around for him to just pull me to him again. He puts his face in my neck and licks my sweet spot. I hold back a moan and turn towards him. He smiles and I put my head on his chest listening to his steady heart beat, he puts his chin on the top of my head pulling me impossibly closer to him.

I fall into a deep sleep and so does he, it's been a looong day.
I wake up and smile as I look down at Skyler, she's still asleep and I look at the clock, "6:13" I whisper.

I notice me and Skyler are too far for comfort so I pull her closer to me remembering what time it was, "why am I up so early?" I mumble and growl protectively when I see a bright light outside the door and then it disappears.

I get up and get ready to pounce when in comes Skyler's mom the Moongoddess and I immediately bow.

She giggles, "you may rise" she says and I get up.

"Sorry Ma'am, but she's sleeping right now" I say looking over at Skyler.

"I'm not here for Skyler, I'm here for you" I frown and look at her, "me miss?" I ask and she giggles again nodding, "yes you" she says smiling.

I nod and she motions to the hall and I walk out past her. She leads us to the living room and as I close the door to our room I grab a shirt and pull it on.

When I get down stairs she's on the couch and looks up and me with a soft smile and motions to the couch in front of her. I sit there and she starts to talk, "so your Ace?" She asks and I nod looking at her confused.

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