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I'm shaking with fear, everywhere I turn the nightmare doesn't end. Vampires and werewolves collide together with the help of rogues on both sides.

Suddenly I fall to the ground, a rogues tearing at my leg and a vampire latched onto my neck. I struggle but my movements become slower and as I take in my final breath-
My eyes shoot open, "I'm not dead, it was all a dre-" I stop and see a vampire in front of my face, dead with a missing eye. I shoot up but stumble on more dead bodies.

I scream but it's not heard by anyone because all around are dead werewolves and vampires , everyone's dead, and I'm alone.

I clench my chest my heart beating against it. My breath catches in my throat as I see Zack...

He's got a werewolf's throat in one hand and another with its fangs latched around his throat with a piece of wood sticking out of his chest and fresh blood still pours from the wound.

He's dead......

So is everyone else....

I walk forward and finally the pile of dead bodies comes to an end, no one has won this war.

I enter the woods and see nothing but darkness, the only light is back the way I came.... I'm not going back there.

I walk farther and it starts to get cold so I search around the woods. Most wolves shift and don't have their clothes so we hide extras in the woods.

I search a bit more and find an old rusty looking switch hidden by some bushes and the smell is hidden too.

I pull the switch back which is made by silver and the tree that looks bark and feels bark opens to the side. I go in and close it from another switch. Everything inside is metal unlike the outside which is bark.

I go down some spiral stairs and see nothing until I flip a switch. It turns on and so do some lights, in front of me is a camera system.

It's a huge camera system that shows everywhere in the forest, these cameras are very well hidden. You can see everything you'd like and no one can see you, but that's not all, I can tell.

There in front of me is a journal, it shows all about this place and what it can do, I smirk a bit seeing something and I look at the big control panel and press a button and what was a regular wall opens up and rotates around to another wall.

I go over and find every weapon and in the journal it describes each one. The person who wrote it is dead and it says here he was going to die soon so he left and left this here for someone else to find.

I smiled looking back at the weapons, I put my weapons that were on me in a couple open spots, I frown seeing a pair of combat boots, "what the?" I say softly and look threw the book and find them.

"These boots can bring out a blade when you twist your foot one way to make the heel turn and another way to make it go back in. It also has to have a lot of pressure down so if you slip in public it doesn't just come out. Also they carry a medal detector proof seal that I myself have invented. They carry other things like knifes and whatever you want or have in whatever year it is you find this" I read aloud and smile putting the boots on the ground and slip them on. I push down and twist and sure enough the blade pops out in the back.

I smirk and twist my foot again to put the blade back in and find some sleeves and slip them on and flick my wrist and a blade pops out. I smile and look back up and press a button on the panel and it shifts to another wall which has a black leather hood. I gently bring it down. It's a big hood with a cape in the back that I tie around my neck and put on my hood that covers everything but my mouth.

I change into a white top black leather jacket and black leggings that all match the black leather hood.

I push the side to where the hood goes and there's a mirror when I turn it around, I don't even look like myself.

'I know right! You look so badass right now' Jacky said and you could just hear the smirk in her voice.

"Wait a minute, Jacky? Man it's been forever, how you doin girl?" I ask smirking.

'Oh good good.... Except for the fact that everyone we know and love is DEAD!!!' She snapped back and I sigh, "yeah but check this place out!" I say and she nods. I look at myself again and put on a black leather belt, "oh yes I like this" I say and open the leather jacket outwards, "and look at how many weapons it can hold and its metal detector proof!" I say happily smirking. I fill all the pockets with extra bullets for a gun I'm not carrying, and knifes, knifes, and more knifes.

"We're gonna have some fun with this" I say to myself going out and locking everything down and running threw the woods.

I jump from tree to tree laughing a bit at the empty forest and how I now own it. No pack lives here now, it's just me, I even caused my pack to die... The sun is setting now and I run faster. I burst out of the forest off of a tree and land on the ground.

I run threw an open field to where the sun is setting my hood still on my head but my cape blowing out behind me.

'This is why I don't get a pack' I think.

'I'd rather be alone, I do better alone, I am to forever be alone.. For I am, a Lone Wolf'


Hey guys! That's the end I know I'm sad too! I was thinking about making a second book thou but I dunno... It all depends I guess.

So how'd you like it? I know it can be boring at times but hey, I had fun writing it!

Anyways, see ya guys, comment what you think and if you want me to make a second book, if not then just say so, bye!


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