Chapter 19- Werewolf what now?

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"What's going on?" Ace asks sitting next to me.

"That was Zack.... The Vampire Prince"
I growl, 'he needs to back off our mate!' Navy says growling.

Skyler looks at me, "problem" she asks.

"Zack and I have a complicated past together, always at war and stuff, I mean I am The Werewolf Prince" I say with a shrug, everyone just stares at me.

"Wait so Alpha Asher is the Werewolf King?" Skyler asks, I nod.

"If you guys tell anyone, your dead, I'm not supposed to tell anyone myself, we like to keep a low profile, that is until I find my mate and take over, then we're gonna rise the ranks, I mean with you and your warriors it should be easy" I say smiling.

Skyler nods and you can tell she's thinking the way she furrowed her eyebrows and looked down.

"So what does Zack want with you?" I ask.

Skyler looks at me then back down, "he wants me to mate with him to make his vampires stronger for an attack in the far future" she says and I growl again.

"Excuse me" I say getting up and out the door slamming it shut.

I can hear someone follow me but I don't care at the moment, I rush into the woods and stand at the border line.

"Zack!" I snarl out.

He comes in front of me with a sickening smile, "yes" he says and I growl.

"Stay away from Skyler! She may not be mine but she's my mate and is in my pack and I will kill you before you mate with her"

Zack laughs, "I'm immortal, only the Werewolf King, Queen, Prince, or Princess can kill me" he says smirking.

I cross my arms, "why do you think I came with a threat like that if I didn't know the Royal Family?" Zack gasps.

"You do? Well that changes things, well you can tell them this" he flicks his hand and any other werewolf would most likely die so I fall in the ground and pretend to be gasping for air then I stop.

"Oh wait you can't! Your dead! Now if you can some how make it back alive tell them I said I'm gonna attack as soon as Skyler is my mate, she has to agree thou I can't just take her, although I wish I could, but she will be mine"

"Also, she and her brother are royalty, she will make our children strong and I will make her mate with me until we have a whole army! Zack out" he says and disappears.

I chuckle and get up, "take more than that to kill the Royal Family" I mumble and turn around and start to walk home.

When I make it back the others look at me, "where'd you go?" Blake asks.

"Out" I say with a smirk, "oh and Jacks"

Jacks looks up at me, "yes?" He asks, "let's watch a movie" I say and he smiles and fist pumps, "yes! Let's do it!" He says.

"Oh and if Zack comes around, warn me" they all look at me, "why" Skyler asks and I look at her.

"Cause he thinks I'm dead" I say with a shrug, "and if I wasn't apart of the Royal Family I would be" I say and sit between her and Jacks, where I was in the first place.

Jacks hugs me, "I'm glad your not dead" he says and I chuckle, "me too kiddo" I say.

"Now let's watch a movie!" Jacks say and I smile as we watch all the movies he wants.

We watch: the second Divergent, Max, Meet The Robinsons, and Finding Dory.

Jacks yawns and leans on me and I put my arm around him as he goes to sleep, I smile and pick him up taking him upstairs to his room.

I lay him down gently and flip the switch to make sure it's on.

I go back down stairs and everyone is still in the same positions I left them in.

"Ok, seriously, you guys need to go, I would but this is my house" Skyler says growling a bit.

"No it's supposed to be my house" Blake says.

"But it's not, Mary left it to me baca use I actually gave her company and didn't just visit for pack stuff or to recruit Silver Fang!" Skyler says standing up and growling.

Blake rises to her challenge and stands up and growls, "it's not my fault I have a pack to take care of!"

"No it's not but you do have a choice to come see your grandmother! You didn't even come to her funeral! Some grandson you are! And to top it off, I had to step in between you two just to take a hit that gave me a black eye and could've killed her! So please tell me again why she should give you everything she had!" Blake looks like he's about to punch her but she doesn't back down, before he does I step in between them.

"I suggest you get out of this house right now cause if you do anything to harm her I will unleash hell on your pack and trust me, you do not want to make a royal mad" I say death in my voice if he challenges me.

He stands down and walks out the door with the others behind him, he's probably gonna go to a hotel cause his pack business isn't done yet. 

I turn towards Skyler, "you ok Sky?" I ask and she nods, I sigh and wrap my arms around her.

"I love you Skyler" I say and she pulls away to look at me.

"Love is a strong word" she says looking in my eyes.

"And it's a word I'm willing to use it cause I love you Skyler, no one can change that" I say and she smiles softly, "I love you too Ace" she says and I smile.

'OMG OMG OMG!!! She said she loves us!!' Navy shouts howling with delight.

'You did not just say omg'

'Well she said she loves us soo... OMG!!'

I chuckle and hug her to my chest, we walk upstairs and she goes in her room to change and I go in mine.

As soon as I hear the tv in her room turn on I walk in her room and smile, she's under the covers watching the tv.

I climb under the covers with her and bring her to my chest she doesn't argue instead she snuggles into my chest and I cuddle her.

She looks up at me and I lean in and kiss her, she kisses back. It's not a rough kiss, it's a sweet one filled with my love for her. She smiles against my lips causing me to smile, as we pull away she goes and puts her head back on my chest as we fall asleep, together.

Ok so I thought it would be pretty funny if a serious male wolf acted like a fan girl! Like seriously you don't see guys running around yelling omg am I right?

So anyways I wanna know a couple things, I've got this pic that shows if we would be good friends based on our zodiacs, on a scale from; Low, Medium, to High.

So comment your zodiac and I'll reply on if we would be good friends or not.



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