Chapter 3- No Jackson

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"Oh my god- Sky! I missed you! Where have you been?"

"What do you mean where have I been where have you been!? I've been right here with this old hag." I chuckle with a smile at Mary.

"She gets into a lot of trouble this one." Mary giggles, I just roll my eyes at her.

"What if I like trouble?" I ask and before she could say anything Mr 'I'm The Big Bad Alpha' decided to speak up.

"So where's Silver Fang, I would like to meet him." He said and I roll my eyes.

"Why do you wanna meet 'him', so badly?" I ask with my arms crossed.

"I wanna recruit him, he's the only reason I'm here, don't waste my time slut." I snarl at that and Mary looks heartbroken.

"'He' will never join your pack, Mary I'm gonna go unload their stuff." She nods looking down, I can see I tear trickle down her face. She really had her hopes up on us getting along I could tell.

I look at her so called grandson, my heart broken for this female, "Nice going Jackass!" And I slap him square in the face before stomping off. I hear Alisandra growl then clamp up.

I carry all the suitcases inside, I know which is his so I dump it out in his room. I go back to the backyard as everyone settles in. I skateboard around for a while and hear yelling, nearly stumbling off my board I rush into the house.

Somethings flying at my face as soon as I enter the house and immediately I duck, hearing the shatter behind me I look back at the broken plate, "Who threw that!" Ali point at Mary's grandson.

"You, what's your name"

"Blake, why you wanna know?" He asks flirt-illy.

"Cause I wanna know the name they'll have to put on your tombstone!" I lunge at him and punch his nose receiving a sickening crunch, broken. I smirk, he yells in pain.

"It'll heal my tomorrow" he says after calming down, I growl, didn't punch hard enough.

"Why aren't you screaming in pain? It takes a lot to break an Alphas nose" Mary comes in and I could tell she heard everything, and seen everything.

"You really don't know yet do you? And here I thought I had a smart grandson" Mary says, I laugh, he growls but stops.

"I'm Silver Fang idiot! The 'slut' can beat you up in less than a second! So watch it" he looks at his grandma and she nods.

I just walk out and go down stairs, I take off my jacket. I have a gray tank top on now, I put on my gloves and punch the punching bags, they are really warn, if I punched hard enough not even the silver chain could hold it. I go out to the track next, I run around then here yelling then growling.

I rush in the house to see Blake standing over his grandma. He's talking deadly low, his eyes coal black. I pull her back and step in front of her. She's crying. I punch him in the temple.

"Fuck wrong with you!? This is your grandmother!" Then he does something unspeakable, he punched me right in the eye I stumbled back hitting the ground, hard. His grandma rushes over to me. He's back to normal, that could have been her. Soon Alisandra and the Beta come in. I get up he take a step forward, I take one back.

I turn to Mary "Mary you have been so kind, but I think I'll rent a hotel room, I'm not staying here as long as he's in this house" I felt my eye swell up, I grab it doubling over but don't scream.

I get up, "this could have been her!" I point to Mary. "Except worse, death worse. I have the strength of an Alpha! She has the strength of a strong human. There's a fine line between the two! Oh and if she would've died by your hands. I wouldn't even hesitate to have you die by mine" I stare him down. Mary hands me some money, I take it greatful. She knows I have no money. Well a little but not much.

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