Chapter 17- Back Again!! Really!?

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Tomorrow is my 25th birthday along with Dylan's. Jacks birthday was a week ago, that big nine year old.

I smile as Jacks comes towards me. "Hey Sky!" He says happily.

"Hey Jacks!"

We hug and I hear Dylan behind me, Mary passed a few years ago and I cried for months, the Jackass didn't even come to her funeral! Not that I'm mad he didn't, I just thought it was rude cause his parents came and he didn't. Once we read the will turns out I was her favorite and I'm not even in her family and she left everything to me, her money, her business, her house, her land, everything.

"So, you excited for tomorrow?" He asks excited.

"Yeah! What's tomorrow?" I ask and he told his eyes.

"Your birthday silly!" He says and laughs and so do I.

"Really? You sure it's not your birthday" he laughs.

"I'm not 5 I know it's your birthday!" I laugh at that.

"Well I have warriors that need training so you can come but you need to sit in the car" he nods as we drive there.

After I finally get done training all the warriors I climb back in the car, "soo, what do you want to do?" I ask Jacks.

"Let's go home and watch a movie!" He says excited, I nod as we head home I see a familiar face,

"Alisandra?" I whisper but it's lost in the wind, it looks like her but I know it isn't, I think people look like Patty and now Alisandra.

I sigh and head continue as the light turns red I smirk, "Jacks, watch this" he nods watching me. I see the cars stop on both side and blow just as the light turns green, I smile((lol! My mom did this and did it exactly as the light turned green and I was like oh my gosh! So I thought I'd share it!)). Jacks looks amazed, "how'd you-"

"Something I learned from my best friends mom!" I say smiling as we get home I park and we go inside.

"What movie?" I ask him and he shrugs.

"You chose" he says obviously just wanting to watch a movie.

I nod, "I've got a good one! Would you mind going to make some popcorn?" He shakes his head no and gets up, I pick out the perfect movie and watch the previews as he comes back with a huge thing of popcorn.

"Wow you must really like popcorn" I say and he nods smiling and sitting down next to me.

"What we watchin?" He asks.

"Divergent!" I say and he smiles.

"Ok cool! Can't wait!" He says.

"Neither can I!" I say grabbing the remote and skipping the rest of the previews.

He laughs at how impatient I am and so do I then I press play. About 2 hours in the like 4 hour movie, I hear a knock on the door. Jacks looks at me confused then I shrug and go and open it with him at my side.

"Yes?" I say looking up at Dylan, he looks so much older.

"Skyler!" He says and hugs me I push him away.

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