Chapter 6- Omega

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This chapter is dedicated to PreppyNerd2524!!!! Thanks for voting and commenting!!!
"Mate?" Once that leaves her mouth I smile. She stands,  confused I watch as she walks inside and slams her door shut.

Grandma comes out. "How'd it go?" She says hopeful.

"She's my mate" I try to fake my happiness but can't, I feel horrible, what I do? Does she hate me?

Unanswered questions fill my head.

"What's wrong? This is great! She's the nicest gal I know and- what's wrong?"

I look up "she left and slammed the door when she realized that- know what it doesn't matter, I'm going to sleep" she laughs.

"She may not sleep much but she went inside, got some pjs or somethings on, brushed went to the bathroom and as soon as she lied down she passed out on the couch, you probably just helped her sleep!" I smile at that I walk her up to her room and go back down to the living room. (Yes I meant to say somethings)

Skyler looks so peaceful. She also looks like she's about to fall! I rush over and scoop her up in my arms. She looks so small, probably cause I'm an Alpha. She's perfect, I take her up to my room and lay her down, I brush, change into my shorts. And I lay down with her. She cuddles into me cause it's freezing and I do the same. I put my face in her neck, she smells like strawberries and chocolate, to show she's sweet, with a hint of sour patch kids to show she can be sour.

I still feel the tingles that I've learned to love in a few seconds. I drift off, dreaming of our future.

I walk up, it's really cold but this warm spot is nice. And.. And- I open my eyes to come face to chest. I feel small tingles, they're fading. I hop out of bed walking out and slamming the door, what the heck fuck boy! You may be my mate but that doesn't mean crap!

Once I get up to my room I hear a pair of feet charging after me. I slam the door shut locking it. He bangs on my door, "Open up or I bust the door down!" Oh no he didn't!

"I know you didn't just threaten to bust my door down!" I open the door slamming it into the wall.

"Look buster" I walk towards him backing him up until he hits the railing. "You may be an Alpha and I'll respect that cause my Alpha does, but don't think I can't beat yo ass if you step out of place with me one more time! I don't know you, you don't know me, and when we do act like we know each other, you are NOT my mate, got it player!" He nods sadness filling his eyes, I don't care. I slam my door shut again. I hear Mary come and I listen.

"Listen Blake, give her a chance, have her meet your parents! Well, maybe not your hugger of a mother" he chuckles and I hold one back.

"No I think I lost her, looks like Patty is my mate"

"Who's Patty? That slut!"

"My parents say she's the best choice but they don't even know her. I told her to back off until you called me about Skyler and if she was my mate. I was hoping she was and wasn't."

"Why wouldn't you want her to be?" Mary asks confused.

"She's too much like me, we're both stubborn, strong headed, but I was a player, I changed just for her" he sounds so sad.

I decide to change and brush my teeth, I wear a white t-shirt, camo pants, combat boots training today.

I hear them still talking and I walk out the room, "I'm going to see Blackjack" Blake's eyes turn black but I ignore it.

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